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Archive for June, 2009

10 Ways to Be a Better Husband

10 Ways to Be a Better Husband

Another story on the front cover of almost every major news publication; someone in a position of authority and trust cheats on their wife. South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, with four young children, was caught having an affair on Father’s… read more
Iran, China, and the Spiritual Evolution We Have Been Waiting For

Iran, China, and the Spiritual Evolution We Have Been Waiting For

The world is a changin’ ladies and gentleman; put on your seat belts for its going to be a wild-ride. Our world is going through its own transformation, an evolution unlike anything we have ever seen before during our lifetime.… read more
Be Yourself, Holistic Living

Be Yourself, Holistic Living

Why do we have such a hard time being ourselves and following our own path? Why do we have such a difficult time following our truth and listening to our own guidance? We have been taught to listen to everyone… read more
9 Guaranteed Ways to SUCK in Life

9 Guaranteed Ways to SUCK in Life

The self-help industry is estimated to be over 10 BILLION dollars. There are a million self-help books in this world to instruct you on how to be a better person, but for those who choose a different path, I realize… read more
Trail Ridge Road, Grand Lake, Life and Death

Trail Ridge Road, Grand Lake, Life and Death

Today my wife and I left the kids (don’t worry, they were taken care of) and we drove over Trail Ridge Road outside of Estes Park, Colorado. Trail Ridge Road is well renowned as is the “highest continuous motorway in… read more
The REAL Best Father’s Day (Spiritual) Gift List

The REAL Best Father’s Day (Spiritual) Gift List

Before we start, we need to clarify and define what really makes someone a father. We all know that you cannot be a father in name alone, and for the sake of argument, let us not refer to the “Fathers”… read more
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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, January 21

"It is that which exists within us that allows us to operate outside of ourselves." - Chernoff - CONNECTION