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Archive for September, 2009

Our World is TOXIC and Polluted- We Are Dying

Our World is TOXIC and Polluted- We Are Dying

  Pollution – Global Warming, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution Ok, Global Warming is the big buzzword of the day, but lets forget the fact that arctic ice is disappearing so rapidly that the region may have its first… read more
Are you are Enlightened? What is Spiritual Enlightenment?

Are you are Enlightened? What is Spiritual Enlightenment?

Whom among us is truly enlightened, and how do we know? How Enlightened are YOU? How do you REALLY know if you are enlightened? Take the Enlightenment Quiz! If you fail miserably, don’t worry, there is hope for you yet…have… read more
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"Seth Chernoff has written a wonderful, thoughtful and compassionate book. It goes to the heart of what it is to be human. He speaks from deep personal experience. We highly recommend Manual For Living: REALITY … Drink from its wisdom!" - Ed & Deb Shapiro, authors BE THE CHANGE – How Meditation Can Transform You and the World

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"Every one of us is the hope of an undetermined future." - Chernoff - CONNECTION