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Archive for November, 2009

Interesting Facts, Population Statistics, Death Statistics, Fun Facts, Random Facts

Interesting Facts, Population Statistics, Death Statistics, Fun Facts, Random Facts

How significant is this moment? Let me provide you with some incredible statistics: The World is 4.55 billion years old. In the year 10,000 B.C., there were only 5 million people on earth. By 8,000 B.C., this figure had risen… read more
Happiness, Love, Health and Life – 12 Ways to Find Authentic Happiness

Happiness, Love, Health and Life – 12 Ways to Find Authentic Happiness

USA Today came out with a study recently finding that “Mental Happiness” improves with age. “Two California researchers say that mental health improves with age; most people get happier as they get older, and those who are older have more… read more
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"This is the type of book you go back to over and over to gain a new perspective. It is one of the best, simplistic books I\'ve ever read! This is not a religious book, but profound with spiritual insights. Great book." - Neil Kobrin

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"At times, it is those without who go within that exude the great strength of personality and will, and it is those who seek and obtain who struggle most with balance and understanding." - Chernoff - REALITY