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Archive for June, 2010

NOW AVAILABLE – Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life

NOW AVAILABLE – Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life

My award-winning book, Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life is finally available for ordering! It is currently being shipped to bookstores across the country and is officially available at Amazon.com and through the Apple… read more
Death and Rebirth, Mountain Pine Beetle, Pesticides, Carcinogens, Cancer

Death and Rebirth, Mountain Pine Beetle, Pesticides, Carcinogens, Cancer

I had the pleasure of spending part of the Memorial Day holiday in Grand Lake, Colorado. In fact, I have been going there for over a decade with my family, enjoying the serenity and beauty of the summers with boating… read more
Image Map
"This came all in perfect timing – my Uncle Ernie passed away yesterday morning from cancer. My Uncle Ernie had 2 months to live once he found out. My mom is a 5 year cancer survivor. You’ve lived it, you’ve survived it...I want the entire world to find this. Many, many blessings. I can’t wait to read more." - Mimi - http://www.de-stresswithyoga.com/

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, March 25

"We must learn to accept that everything happens as it is meant to, thereby allowing us to move confidently in the direction of our dreams." - Chernoff - REALITY