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Archive for April, 2011

Interview on KTalk Radio AM 630, Salt Lake City, Utah with Linda Strasburg

Interview on KTalk Radio AM 630, Salt Lake City, Utah with Linda Strasburg

Fantastic Interview on KTalk Radio AM 630, The Voice of Utah with Linda Strasburg and Seth David Chernoff about the Manual For Living on Saturday, April 24th, 2011. (Length: 25 Minutes) Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above)… read more
10 Powerful Ways To Get Positive, Positive Thinking Techniques When Stuck In A Rut

10 Powerful Ways To Get Positive, Positive Thinking Techniques When Stuck In A Rut

Staying positive when everything is great in life takes little effort. When life is good, relationships are loving and supportive, work life is fulfilling and prosperous, and your health and inner climate is sunny with a slight chance of ocean… read more
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"This book could not have been more appropriate and needed. This gift you sent out to the world will forever be greeted with grateful and loving arms. Thank you for everything but most of all the keys." - Claudia R

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, December 21

"Seldom is hatred as strong as when it is the result of two people who previously loved each other." - Chernoff - CONNECTION