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Archive for April, 2012

Nature Danger, Are You Playing It Safe, & Esther Hicks

Nature Danger, Are You Playing It Safe, & Esther Hicks

Do you remember when we were encouraged to drink water out of the garden hose? When sunscreen was mistaken for lotion? When nobody wore helmets when they rode their bicycle? When physical intimacy wasn’t prefaced by a conversation about STD’s?… read more
Spring Cleaning Your Life – 10 Surefire Ways to Let Go of the Past

Spring Cleaning Your Life – 10 Surefire Ways to Let Go of the Past

Yes, it’s that time of year when we are teased with warmth yet reminded of the remnants of winter. Being in Colorado, I enjoy living in a region where we fully experience the four seasons – although I do find… read more
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"I hope you were able to tell with just those few glimpses the greatness of this book. It is a beautiful testament to life and living. A book to help one reach his greatest potential and grasp his dreams." - A Novel Source

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"We have been given ALL the gifts and tools needed to obtain all that we require." - Chernoff - CONNECTION