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Archive for May, 2012

Dealing with the lowest common denominator

Dealing with the lowest common denominator

How do we deal with people or situations that aren’t in alignment with who we choose to be or how we choose to live? It is a natural part of life to encounter situations where people don’t see the world… read more
Just Say NO To Life – Mediocrity is Your Friend?

Just Say NO To Life – Mediocrity is Your Friend?

Isn’t it interesting how we constantly try to make ourselves comfortable in life – choosing mediocrity and complacency over taking risks and facing challenges? Of course, we don’t consciously choose mediocrity most of the time – mediocrity is simply the read more
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"Manual For Living is more than that: it is a window to a fresh, new, hopeful vision for what it means to be human. Read it slowly, and feel the world shift inside you. A unique blend of practical and spiritual wisdom from a fresh new voice that needs to be heard." - Mark Gerzon, Bestselling Author

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, March 25

"Why do we force ourselves to suffer before we allow ourselves to
evolve?" - Chernoff - CONNECTION