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About The Manual

Title: Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life

Author: Seth David Chernoff

Price: $15.95


Format: Trade Paper

Number of Pages: 296

Trim Size: 6” x 9”

13-digit ISBN: 9780984093090

CATEGORY: Self-Help, Spirituality, New Age

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The Manual for Living is a user’s guide to the meaning of life; it is a guidebook to balance and connection, intimacy and relationship, peace and love, evolution and fulfillment. What we desire cannot be “obtained,” for it can only be experienced–the result of a life of commitment and service. Can we achieve lasting happiness? Can we find fulfillment or obtain true love? What exactly is a spiritual life, an inspirational life, a fulfilled life? What really is possible in life? Can we have it all?

The Manual will help you find clarity and assist you with connecting to your inner guidance–thus opening the gateway to an intentional life–a chosen life that is joyful and fulfilled. Few people on Earth possess the answers to life’s simplest questions because in truth, answers are granted only to those with literacy in a language all their own.

In life, answers often result only in further inquiry; the meaning we seek is found in the journey itself.

Inquiry and curiosity become the lifeblood of the living–the keys to assist us in our personal journey. We stay the course, learning through our environment and life experiences, challenges and opportunities. An individual’s inquiry may actually safeguard against the very answers he or she seeks; the questions themselves being an indicator of the quasi-destination. We journey through the spiral of human evolution toward an existence of contemplation, verbalization, connection, contribution, service, fulfillment, and happiness.

The answer to life’s meaning is different for every one of us and dwells somewhere deep within the epicenter of our being. We are in control of our heart, mind, and soul, and therein resides the core truth of existence. In large part, we are all identical, sharing similar core needs, wants, and desires. Inevitably, we will struggle with the same core issues and challenges. The greatest commonality of all humanity is that of life itself and its finality.

The Manual’s purpose is to help you find true happiness, understand why you are here, and discover your true purpose in life. Challenge your beliefs and assumptions, and find your inner voice and truth in the process. Create the life you’ve always wanted by overcoming the obstacles before you, finding courage in the face of fear or adversity. Find the joy and magnificence in all things, and discover a new level of gratitude for everything that you have been given.  Learn how to be fully in the moment and to let go of everything that stands in your way. Ease your pain, suffering, and struggle while embracing and overcoming the lessons before you. Encounter true balance, eternal happiness, and a powerful connection to your source.  Learn to coexist and to function successfully on this physical plane without scarifying your spiritual core. Find true happiness on your path, and achieve everything you believe is possible.

The Manual is a practical guide to the hidden truths in life so you can better understand why we do what we do and live the way we live. Realize the basic truths to life and learn pearls of wisdom to guide your way. Understand the game of life and the role we play, individually and collectively, as physical and spiritual beings of service to the greater good of humankind. Discover answers to life’s most troubling questions and the meaning behind our eternal search. Allow yourself to fully experience your spiritual journey of enthusiastic selflessness and the pride in giving, focusing your attention and manifesting your reality through continuous evolution.

We all have much in common, yet we often feel so distant from one another.

In truth, we are all one in the same, regardless of intellect, age, race, creed, or dialect. No matter how much we contest this truth, there is little difference between us except how we have chosen to experience this lifetime. Life seems easier when we live as turtles, hiding in the shadows and emerging to seek nourishment, prosperity, and fulfillment, only to retreat into the protection of our shell when we realize that what we seek cannot be found outside of ourselves. Seldom are rewards granted to those who hide from the world and its associated challenges and opportunities.

Opportunities are endless when we choose to take risks and become present in our life.

This Manual is here to assist you in understanding and choosing a life fulfilled over a life of mediocrity, desperation, pettiness, or even worse, no life at all. When life is amazing, fulfilling, and spectacular, this Manual may gather dust; however, when you are faced with hurdles, challenges, and pain, it may help you persevere and be of service to those who await your guidance. The Manual for Living is a guide to support all beings in truth; to help us turn toward courage, honesty, integrity, and love; and to make conscious decisions that will ultimately guide us to true happiness and fulfillment.

Whether our path is direct or circuitous, our destinations are constant; the eternal continuance of time combines with the temporal aspect of our physical existence.

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"I am a firm believer that when a person is ready, the teacher will appear, my teacher appeared when I picked up the Manual for Living! I have struggled with depression, addictions of all sorts and wounds from the past that still hurt me today . I have been searching for inner peace my whole life. I got great comfort and many questions answered from the Manual for Living. I have started picking it up when I am feeling lost and I have not been disappointed with the message that I receive. The book made such an impression on me I drove 1000 miles to meet Seth. What a wonderful soul he is! Seth lives his message and it is clear to see that when you are around him. I have given this book away to over 10 people and I will continue to give it away because I believe in the message it holds." - Kim G.

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"We must learn to accept that everything happens as it is meant to, thereby allowing us to move confidently in the direction of our dreams." - Chernoff - REALITY