Over 110,000 copies of the Manual For Living Sold and Downloaded Around the Globe!


Media and Events Schedule

At the current moment, Seth is taking on limited media appearances and interviews as he focuses on completing a few powerful yet all-encompassing projects.

If you have a publicity request or if you would like to have Seth David Chernoff make a guest appearance on your show, please call 303-350-3990 or email us by Clicking Here. If you would like listen to some of Seth’s many radio interviews, or to read transcripts of them, please visit our Press & Media Archive section of the website.

The Manual For Living book series has been featured in over 120 radio interviews, lectures across the US, online blogs, magazines, newspapers, and much more. To view some of the feature stories and interviews please visit the Media & Press Archive Page. To listen to some of the prior radio interviews, please visit the Media Interviews Page.

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"I am so blessed that we were connected as you have truly made such a difference in my life." - Nancy T. Ferrari

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Tip of the Day — Friday, March 28

"Decide carefully, for in this moment you are the person you choose to be." - Chernoff - CONNECTION