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The World Is Ending, or is it? Rapture or Evolution

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment

May was a busy month! As most of you know, Book Two – CONNECTION in the Manual For Living series is coming out this fall and we have been getting it ready for publication. The ebook will be coming out this summer, and the print version will be released around the globe in August / September – stay tuned.

We just finished recording 16 videos that will eventually go onto our website and into our interactive ebook, one for every chapter in Manual For Living: Reality. If you aren’t a Fan on Facebook, I HIGHLY recommend it. We are posting one video per day on our Facebook fan page. Become a fan.

I also want to share with you a fantastic video from Robert Fortune, a new friend and fan of the Manual For Living. He has a remarkable story of how he came across the Manual and his experience with it. Hear Robert Fortune’s Story.


The World Is Ending! (or is it)

Why does everyone keep saying that the world is going to end, whether by rapture or in 2012 by the Mayan calendar? There are extremists in every religion and ideology that seem to stoke fear into the masses as they predict the impending termination of this world as we know it. But is it the end? Is this the time when our world will implode and we will all die, save a select few – the chosen ones – who will evolve beyond this physical existence? It seems a little far-fetched, especially when the argument makes no sense…how are we saved if the outcome of being saved is the same as our inevitable physical death? We will all move beyond this physical existence.

If our world were to end, would it be our physical world, or perhaps merely our attachment to physicality, or our perception of reality that will end and be reborn? Maybe it’s our attitude that will evolve, or a transformation of our emotional bodies into a higher state of love. One thing is certain – we are in a constant state of flux – our world is ALWAYS evolving and remaking itself whether we like it or not.

Yes Harold Camping was the brunt of MANY jokes, but even still, we can give him credit for sticking to his convictions and following what he felt to be his truth – even if he was off by 5 months, 5 years, or even 5 decades…but does it even matter? He is in control of the choices that he makes, and he is responsible for listening to his truth, and following his path. So that brings us to the next point – how do we know?

How To Recognize Your Truth

How do we differentiate our truth from the ramblings or petty fears of our mind?

It begs the question that I have been asked many times – how do we know if what we hear is actually our truth and not some delusion? The voice you hear may be the truth if you can feel it in your heart, deep within your emotional body. If it gives you goose bumps and shivers, or makes you sneeze, then it’s likely to be the truth. If you are of clear mind when you hear it, and most importantly it feels right and you know it with the fullness of your soul – there is a very good chance.

I am not a futurist, but a few things I am clear of:

  • Experience the Present – There is no point obsessing about the end of our life or the end of our world – it will come in due time and our obsession does nothing to enhance the magnificence of the present moment. We are here to experience the greatness of the moment before us, and any focus outside of that serves only to diminish the experience at hand.
  • Control what you control – There is only so much that we are able to control, and everything else we must simply let go. We get frustrated when our children don’t do what they are asked. We get upset when our life doesn’t go according to “plan.”
  • Live your life – this is your time to shine, to fulfill your purpose. Stay focused and let go of anything that stands in your way of your truth, of your reason for being, of your destiny.
  • Life will end – Have no fear – life will end in due time. In the meantime, lets make the most of it, find our joy, follow our truth, and experience the fullness of this existence.

Until next time, many blessings on your journey,


PS – The kindle version of the Manual For Living: REALITY is on sale for a limited time for $4.99 in anticipation of the launch of Book Two: CONNECTION. Of course, you can always get your very own copy of the print version if you haven’t already. Or simply buy one for a friend, your spouse, or your ex!

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"It is our ability to efficiently and effectively adapt to obstacles as they are presented that determines the pain or suffering we experience throughout our lifetime." - Chernoff - REALITY