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6 Days until Connection – We dream of a passion so deep…

by manualforliving   //   Connection

There is probably no lesson we should learn that is stronger than CONNECTION. Taking the risk to truly connect to those we love, and anyone, in fact, is the greatest gift of life.

Regardless of our current life expression, we drive ourselves to give more, serve more, be more, and are alternately rewarded with success and pain and ongoing opportunities for gratitude and growth. We dream of a passion so deep, a fire blazing so powerfully within us, that we become enveloped with desire, not only for ourselves, but for our contributions to our society as a whole.

We must have faith and continue to make the changes
required to evolve into the beings we are meant to be.

~ Manual For Living: CONNECTION, Pg 236

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"A great little read in how in just shifting your perspective, you can make major changes. No matter what comes down the road, you always have control on how to view it and in how you let it affect you. If you don\'t get anything out of this, then maybe, you should check to see if you have departed from this life as I think there is something here for everyone," - Dennis Waller

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"Seldom is hatred as strong as when it is the result of two people who previously loved each other." - Chernoff - CONNECTION