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“…completely opened my mind more to possibilities and what more could come out of life for me. This is the primary reason why I got the book as I needed to ask myself some deep questions. This book inquired about what things do we think about and do along with why we do things that we do. This book is easy to understand and provides many practical examples. This book requires the reader to have an open mind and heart while reading this book as it will help to bring much desired results and find that needed connection they desire.” – Poetic Journal
“Manual for Living: Connection, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life is the second book in a series for the Manual for Living Series. I found this book to be such an encouragement and much needed at this time in my life. I’m always in search of material that can help improve my life or remind me about how life is at times for others. The author David Chernoff brought up many deep questions asking more about what do we think about and why we do the things that we do. This book is a guide for continuous growth and change in one’s life.” – Nicole Leon

Steve McAllister (Author of The Rucksack Letters) offers a unique view of the Manual For Living

“All I can say is WOW! I can hardly put it down… Simplistic, thought provoking, profound and inspired are just a few of the words that come to mind. I KNOW this will be one of my manuals for living that I will wear out! Thank you and abundant blessings to you!” – Melissa Monahan, Arizona
“Ever popular as tools for inquiry, questions are key in the bite-sized chapters of Manual For Living: CONNECTION, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life (Spirit Scope, 978-1-937215-00-2). Author, speaker, and businessman Seth David Chernoff has discovered, through life’s traumas, how to reliably connect with inner guidance. With life-altering understandings around forgiveness, gratitude, intimacy, and letting go (among eighteen sections), this spirituality primer is a valuable contribution to the genre. Connection, the second book in the Manual For Living Series, may be the longed-for owner’s guide. Writes the author, “Connection is not a task that can be completed; it is a way of being, a philosophy of living.” – ForeWord Reviews
“Seth David Chernoff’s Manual for Living: A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life: CONNECTIONis a beautiful testament to life and living and is my absolute first choice to give anyone celebrating a milestone in life. With 25 years in a 12-step program, I’ve probably heard all of the things the author suggests at least once – and I’m pretty skeptical about self-help gurus, but Seth Chernoff isn’t that guy. He’s a real person who wants to remind others about the ancient and timeless reality that life is right now, and it’s not replaceable, and it’s not a joke. I know that is not a “new” message – but it’s timeless because we MISS it. We miss it over and over and over, and we live lives of regret and missed opportunities.Seth David Chernoff communicates this in a beautiful, meaningful, engaging way. What I’ve rediscovered through CONNECTION is that change is always realized in the present moment. Equanimity and spirituality and self love have been a long journey, but it is in THIS moment that we decide who we will be, and that’s based more on what I learn and do TODAY than what I have accumulated over a lifetime.And so, I leave Manual for Living: A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life: CONNECTION open on my table to read randomly and embrace every day. Seth David Chernoff touches on a number of things I want to remember daily, like honesty and freedom, intimacy, friendship, and so many things that make life worth living.” – Mary Agnes Antonopoulos, CEO RockawayWriter
“After finishing Manual for Living: Reality, I could not wait to get my hands on Manual for Living: Connection. These books are so full of hopeful quotes and points to ponder that they have become part of my reading on a daily basis. I’d highly recommend any of Seth’s works to anyone who is looking for more peace and comfort in their day to day lives.”
– Heather L. Pillman, Assessment Consultant at Riverside Publishing
“We all need inspirational and motivation in areas of our lives that pertain to what we are currently going through so if you need a great “quick pick me up” just pick up this book.  It is easy to read, and understand with practical examples.  I would recommend this book for anyone in any age group other than children as it is meant to open our hearts and minds to the life we need to live in the present moment to seek out our true potential, purpose and a more satisfying relationships with others.” – Jackie Paulson
“I can honestly say that whether you have problems with any type of relationship in your life or not you should read this book. Manual for Living: CONNECTION is the second book in a series, the first being REALITY. However, there is no need to read these books in order. Actually, there is no need to read the book page by page. You should feel free to skip around depending on the difficulty you are having in your life at the time. For example, while reading this book I was having a difficult problem with a friend of mine. So I started by reading the Communicate chapter along with Disagreement and Forgiveness. Each section in the chapter in only a few pages long and really opens your eyes to insight you may not have thought before.I almost want to say screw getting a relationship counselor and just get this book but in the very least I think if you are having problems this is a great book to accompany seeing a psychologist or just getting some better insight as to who you are inside and why you may do the things you do. Due to the quotes made in each section it ended up reminding me of <em>The Art of War</em> because everything is touched upon with few words but those few words are deeper and more meaningful than most other books I read.What I think really turned me on to this book was this short paragraph alone: “Don’t sacrifice your truth or your values. Each of us has a special place within this world, and it is our prerogative to find that purpose and fulfill it with every morsel of our being. The loss of a life is not nearly as devastating as the loss of what could have been, of the dreams left unfulfilled, and lingering passions undiscovered. This is not a book about religion; it is a book about life for those who choose to grow, who desire a more fulfilled life, and who accept that we are only as magnificent as we choose to be in this moment.” (pg xix)” – Elizabeth Kolodziej
“Manual for Living: Connection is a terrific follow-up to the first, Manual for Living: Reality. The author poses questions and gives answers in a way where the reader must reflect and find the answers on their own. It works well. Reading this book cover to cover gave me the ability to interview the author however, the book will be best used by me as a reference along with his first book. The chapters allow you to find what you need immediately gaining insight quickly for that which you are seeking. I have recommended these books to my clients and have found it most helpful for all. Most are cancer patients who can easily relate to the author as he survived cancer twice. The fact that he made it through in such a positive way allows them to remain positive in their lives. It is however, not just for those with cancer. It is insightful and enlightening and would be of significant value to anyone seeking a better, more fulfilling and purpose-filled life. Highly recommend both in this series and anxiously await the third book in 2012.” – T Love, Spiritual Radio Show Host
“Seth Chernoff’s Manual For Living: CONNECTIONis a true blessing. Like the first book in this series, it reaches deep within our souls to suggest how we can better live our lives on a daily basis. What I liked most is how Seth speaks to each of us personally, as if we are having a conversation over a cup of coffee with him. His personal tone makes it easy to roam through the book and pick up key jewels of useful information that cause us to stop and think and then to implement the lessons learned as we make our way through these confusing times.One section that hit home was Mr. Chernoff’s discussion of “being right” at page 39. He begins with stating, “No matter how right we think we are in times of disagreement, the shallowness that we harness in order to feel “right” isn’t worth it.” A couple of sentences later, he adds, “Even when we are right, especially in the context of a relationship, by fighting for what we believe to be the truth, we often end up losing what we really desire.”Good advice all around, something I have come to expect from Mr. Chernoff. This book is a dead solid winner, and I highly recommend it. ” – Mark Shaw, Author of The Road To A Miracle
“It is an inspirational and thought provoking book. It is exceptionally written, easy to follow and practical for anyone searching for their way in life. The Manual For Living Series is a must have for every(one) who wants to grow in their faith, character, and relationship to God.” – TCM Reviews

“CONNECTION is, as the book says, a manual for living. The book explores the theme of connection from various angles through a series of questions. The author tries to explain the meaning and relevance of the term in our lives. What are the obstacles that come in the way of connectivity -problems in communicating , judgement, anger, disagreement and how we can overcome them to live a meaningful and mindful life by claiming the power that is within. Its a guide to responsible living by a man who has gone through his own problems and triumphed. The author in Socratic fashion tries to seek answers to the complexity of life by questioning it. The questions he asks are simple but he reaches deep down to answer them. The chapters are short but packed with wisdom so the book is a slow read. Its not a book to be read at one time, it slowly grows on you…It is insightful and inspiring…worth reading and if you can take even one insight and apply it in your life it is worth your time and money.” – Zealot Readers Book Review

This continues in the thoughtful and well written footsteps of the author’s first book and contributes additional valuable insights into life. The author has a clear, friendly writing style which makes the book genuinely enjoyable to read. Each section (Connection, Communicate, Disagreement, etc.) is separated into smaller “chapters” of under five pages each which makes for incredibly easy reading. They are sized just perfectly to provide an educational “snack” when you have just a few minutes to read. Some of my favorite quotes from the book were: “We should not focus on forcing others to become who we want them to be, but on becoming the person we know ourselves to be.” “We cannot control another’s actions, only our reactions to them, which is where our true power and freedom exists.” “There is an opportunity for learning and growth in every connection, in every moment.” I highly recommend this to those who enjoy reading self-improvement materials as another resource to help you in your journey of knowledge and I look forward to future releases from the author. ~ Originally published at BethsBookReviews.com
Everyone once in a while a reader must step out of their comfort zone. Sometimes you need a break from all the fiction, and go back to reality. I was connected by Seth David Chernoff about his book Manual for Living: A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life. Chernoff is a two-time cancer survivor, author, and speaker. Each chapter asks a series of questions, asking why we do what we do. How does it impact your life? There are several questions that rang home for me, specifically the chapter on judgment. Think about it, every day we walk down the street we see people and we judge them. Just yesterday I was in the parking lot at the supermarket and saw a man putting groceries in his trunk. But the thing is, I didn’t just see a man putting groceries in his car. I saw a severely overweight man putting cases of soda in his trunk. I am by no means skinny, but I thought he doesn’t need all that soda. Why couldn’t I just see someone putting groceries in their car? It brought me back to a chapter in this book. Actually, a sentence in particular, “…it’s challenging not be judgmental.” How right he is. I don’t set out to be that way, but it’s just soooooooooooooooo hard not to be that way. Perhaps this book will help me with that. There are several nuggets of wisdom in the book. It’s hard to pull yourself away from someone who is toxic. Self-esteem takes a lifetime to create, but it can be destroyed so easily. Why do we always have to be right? Being right all the time doesn’t make you wise. This is another character flaw of mine. I have to know I’m right, and drive home the point that I’m right before the conversation can end. Anyone else have this problem? There are some portions of the book that don’t apply to me (**yet fingers crossed**). The chapters dealing with children, relationships, and marriage just don’t resonate with me. No relationship, no children (yet) for me. But for those of who you are lucky enough to have both, those chapters are for you. I guess you need an open mind to take this kind of material to heart. I don’t know if I was completely open, but the book was helpful in getting me to think differently. With short chapters and real-life scenarios it can help others do the same.Rating: Superb~ Originally published by Jael on Goodreads

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"We are also living a faster-paced life than ever before, where our privacy has been eroded beyond all conception by mobile phones and social-networking, and the requirements for us to succeed within this complex society have never been greater. Manual for Living: Reality offers us the opportunity to step away from that complexity and bustle, and understand what really matters. A timeless wisdom that is more relevant these days than ever before." - Andy Lloyd Book Review

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Tip of the Day — Friday, March 28

"It is our ability to efficiently and effectively adapt to obstacles as they are presented that determines the pain or suffering we experience throughout our lifetime." - Chernoff - REALITY