Welcome to the Manual For Living Guidebook
You have taken the first step of your journey. Applying The Manual For Living: Exercise & Meditation Guidebook will help you reconnect to your truth, live your greatness in every waking moment, and find true happiness and fulfillment. If you have any questions at any time as you move through the course, feel free to post them here (at the bottom of the page), or you can email me directly at Seth@SethChernoff.com.
If you don’t currently own the Guidebook and want to learn more, please visit the full Guidebook page. In addition, you can order your copy of the Guidebook from Amazon.com by clicking here. Also, if you don’t currently own a copy of Manual For Living: REALITY, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life, I HIGHLY recommend you purchase that now. You can get this also from Amazon.com by clicking here.
Ready to get started?
Watch the Lesson 1 Video Here:
Download your complimentary “Commitment to Truth, Happiness and Fulfillment” certificate HERE. I invite you to print it, sign it, frame it, and hang it on your wall.
Download an additional copy of the Life Inventory Worksheet anytime here: Life Inventory Worksheet Download
There is a video (or will be) for every lesson in the Guidebook. As the videos are completed, they are uploaded to the website. The Guidebook is designed to be completed in order – you can always comes back to this page to view any of the previous lesson videos. All of the videos are grouped into categories. For example, by clicking on the category: TIME – you will see all 8 videos from that particular category.
TIME (Lessons 2-9)
- LESSON 2 (page 17) – Today, there is time enough to do what matters . . .
- LESSON 3 (page 20) – Today, I will let go of my attachment to time . . .
- LESSON 4 (page 23) – Today, I choose to release the past and follow my truth . . .
- LESSON 5 (page 26) – Today, I choose to work smart and go with the flow . . .
- LESSON 6 (page 29) – Today, I choose to create my life in the present moment . . .
- LESSON 7 (page 32) – Today, I control my relationship to time . . .
- LESSON 8 (page 34) – Today, I choose to create the space for greatness . . .
- LESSON 9 (page 37) – Summary of TIME
ILLNESS (Lessons 10-12)
- LESSON 10 (page 40) – Today, I choose to release everything that stands in my way . . .
- LESSON 11 (page 43) – Today, I will listen and learn from illness . . .
- LESSON 12 (page 46) – Today, I will confront myself . . .
FEAR (Lessons 13-16)
- LESSON 13 (page 50) – Today, I choose to be fearless . . .
- LESSON 14 (page 53) – Today, I will show up and give the world my best. . .
- LESSON 15 (page 56) – Today, I will focus on the magnificence around me . . .
- LESSON 16 (page 59) – Summary of ILLNESS and FEAR
ENVIRONMENT (Lessons 17-24)
- LESSON 17 (page 62) – Today, I choose to take an honest look at my life . . .
- LESSON 18 (page 66) – Today, I choose to listen to my truth and follow my path . . .
- LESSON 19 (page 69) – Today, I choose to be in a positive environment . . .
- LESSON 20 (page 72) – Today, I choose to breathe in energy and exhale negativity . . .
- LESSON 21 (page 75) – Today, I recognize pain as a tool . . .
- LESSON 22 (page 78) – Today, I will step forward and care for the world . . .
- LESSON 23 (page 81) – Today, I will choose wisely . . .
- LESSON 24 (page 84) – Summary of ENVIRONMENT
REALITY (Lessons 25-30) – COMING SOON
- LESSON 25 (88) – Today, I will not give up before I have begun . . .
- LESSON 26 (91) – Today, I choose to be the master of my reality . . .
- LESSON 27 (94) – Today, I will be grateful for both life’s blessings and its challenges . . .
- LESSON 28 (97) – Today, I will listen for the truth in the moment . . .
- LESSON 29 (100) – Today, I believe I am strong and empowered . . .
- LESSON 30 (103) – Summary of REALITY
- LESSON 31 (106) – Today, I choose to take advantage of the life before me . . .
- LESSON 32 (109) – Today, I choose to be true to myself . . .
- LESSON 33 (112) – Today, I choose to learn from my lessons . . .
- LESSON 34 (115) – Today, I will look within for true fulfillment . . .
- LESSON 35 (118) – Today, I choose to be a great steward . . .
- LESSON 36 (121) – Today, I will not take life so seriously . . .
- LESSON 37 (124) – Today, I have clarity . . .
- LESSON 38 (127) – Summary of PHYSICALITY
DEATH (Lessons 39-45) – COMING SOON
- LESSON 39 (130) – Today, I choose to experience the fullness of life . . .
- LESSON 40 (133) – Today, I see death as a new beginning . . .
- LESSON 41 (136) – Today, I choose faith . . .
- LESSON 42 (139) – Today, I will accept events as opportunities to grow . . . .
- LESSON 43 (142) – Today, I choose to opt in. . .
- LESSON 44 (145) – Today, I choose to live up to my potential . . .
- LESSON 45 (148) – Summary of DEATH
FINANCE (Lessons 46-51) – COMING SOON
- LESSON 46 (152) – Today, I am grateful for all that I have . . .
- LESSON 47 (155) – Today, my choices are in alignment with my truth . . .
- LESSON 48 (158) – Today, I will receive everything I require . . .
- LESSON 49 (161) – Today, I choose to serve . . .
- LESSON 50 (164) – Today, I will follow my heart not the money . . .
- LESSON 51 (167) – Today, I will live in balance . . .
- LESSON 52 (172) – Today, I take responsibility for my thoughts and actions . . .
- LESSON 53 (175) – Today, I will look for peace, connection, happiness, and love in every moment . . .
- LESSON 54 (178) – Today, I choose to appreciate what I have . . .
- LESSON 55 (181) – Summary of FINANCE and ACCUMULATION
CHANGE (Lessons 56-59) – COMING SOON
- LESSON 56 (186) – Today, I choose to start weaning myself . . .
- LESSON 57 (189) – Today, I choose greatness . . .
- LESSON 58 (192) – Today, I choose to release those who stand in the way . . .
- LESSON 59 (195) – Summary of CHANGE
- LESSON 60 (198) – Today, I will keep life simple . . .
- LESSON 61 (201) – Today, I will take life moment by moment . . .
- LESSON 62 (204) – Today, I will choose to find the strength within myself . . .
BALANCE (Lessons 63-69) – COMING SOON
- LESSON 63 (209) – Today, I choose Balance . . .
- LESSON 64 (211) – Today, I choose to manage my priorities . . .
- LESSON 65 (214) – Today, I choose to stay on my spiritual path . . .
- LESSON 66 (217) – Today, I choose to slow down . . .
- LESSON 67 (220) – Today, I will focus on my shift in consciousness . . .
- LESSON 68 (223) – Today, I will look within for approval . . .
- LESSON 69 (226) – Summary of SIMPLICITY and BALANCE
- LESSON 70 (230) – Today, I choose to appreciate what I have . . .
- LESSON 71 (233) – Today, I will find ways to serve . . .
- LESSON 72 (236) – Today, I will share appreciation and joy . . .
- LESSON 73 (239) – Today, I choose to laugh . . .
- LESSON 74 (242) – Today, I will smile and be grateful . . .
- LESSON 75 (245) – Summary of HAPPINESS
- LESSON 76 (248) – Today, I fully experience everything . . .
- LESSON 77 (251) – Today, I will live my truth . . .
- LESSON 78 (254) – Today, I choose to make better choices with my time . . .
- LESSON 79 (257) – Today, I will stay fully present . . .
- LESSON 80 (260) – Today, I choose to be patient . . .
- LESSON 81 (262) – Summary of PRESENT MOMENT
PEACE (Lessons 82-87) – COMING SOON
- LESSON 82 (266) – Today, I choose to have focused intention . . .
- LESSON 83 (269) – Today, I will only compare myself to myself . . .
- LESSON 84 (272) – Today, I will find peace in everything I do . . .
- LESSON 85 (275) – Today, I will look inside for peace . . .
- LESSON 86 (278) – Today, I choose to let go of anything that stands in my way . . .
- LESSON 87 (281) – Summary of PEACE
- LESSON 88 (284) – Today, I choose to do my part. . .
- LESSON 89 (287) – Today, I will let go of everything out of my control . . .
- LESSON 90 (290) – Today, I will recreate myself moment by moment . . .
- LESSON 91 (293) – Today, I choose to begin anew . . .
- LESSON 92 (296) – Today, I will let life happen . . .
- LESSON 93 (300) – Summary of AMAZING LIFE
Congratulations! (page 302) Moving Forward & Conclusion