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Achieving Your Dreams in a Crazy World- Interview on Web Talk Radio with Dr. Nabors

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Listen to Media Interviews

Fantastic Interview on Web Talk Radio with Dr. Murray Nabors, Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Missouri Western State University. A great discussion of writting, spirituality, the Manual For Living, and how to apply tools and strategies of happiness and fulfillment in your life. (Length: 37 Minutes)

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"A beautiful book of ideas for making our lives more meaningful and exploring that which lies beneath the surface in our minds. It was a book I would pick up and read sometimes at odd moments, sometimes when I was troubled and needed to read about one of the topics. I often read the sections over again on different days. The book is filled with a lot of positive thoughts and inspiration...definitely worth reading." - Joanne aka PT Cruiser

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, December 3

"We cannot carry another’s burden just as we cannot live another’s life." - Chernoff - REALITY