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Guidebook Lesson 14 -Today, I will show up and give the world my best

(page 52)

“The simplicity of life itself is focusing not on what we are afraid to lose, but what we have and what we truly desire, our connection to those around us and the fulfillment of our purpose in life. We cannot predict the future, nor can we fully understand the path we follow, but nonetheless, we must relinquish that which stands in the way of our greatness.”

Post any questions or comments below, and contact me anytime Seth@SethChernoff.com.
Many blessings!


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"A beautiful book of ideas for making our lives more meaningful and exploring that which lies beneath the surface in our minds. It was a book I would pick up and read sometimes at odd moments, sometimes when I was troubled and needed to read about one of the topics. I often read the sections over again on different days. The book is filled with a lot of positive thoughts and inspiration...definitely worth reading." - Joanne aka PT Cruiser

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"Happiness is all we can hope for; it is the most important aspect of our reality and the outcome of any successful experience." - Chernoff - REALITY