Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions – That May Leave You Disappointed and Depressed
It’s that time of year again, the beginning of a new year when everyone is trying to “reinvent” themselves, making resolutions that should have been made long ago. This is the time that we look to the past to help us determine what we want in the future, based on the changes we are willing to make in the present. We have no excuse for allowing ourselves to suffer all year long…we have procrastinated and now is the time to try and catch up. No real need to berate ourselves for taking so long to make a commitment to our own happiness and fulfillment, so let’s focus on what we can change.
Perhaps we should start with a simple definition of what a resolution in this context really is: New Year’s Resolution is a commitment we make to reform a habit, to change our lifestyle, or to complete a project to name a few.
Now, let’s take another approach, perhaps one where we are more honest with ourselves? We should start with a definition that is more descriptive of what really happens. How about this: A New Year’s Resolution is a temporary commitment to alter something that we should have fixed long ago but were too lazy or complacent, to which we will give up on once we realize that change is hard.
But in all seriousness, this is an incredible opportunity for us to make the changes that will bring us true happiness. We have no excuse for complaining about anything that we have the power to change. If losing weight is important to your happiness…then just do it. Don’t wait until tomorrow…start RIGHT NOW. The only “resolutions” that we can ever make are the ones that we are able to implement starting NOW…not tomorrow, not tonight, but in this very moment. If you want to quit smoking, NOW IS THE TIME. What to eat better? NOW IS THE TIME! Do you want to enjoy life a little more…guess what – NOW IS THAT TIME!Do you ever wonder what the MOST POPULAR resolutions are that people make this time of year? I don’t think anyone knows for sure what resolutions are the most popular, but I am going to make a gamble on the following. Fasten your seat belts…here we go.
Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions!
LOSE WEIGHT – FIND HEALTH – Not surprising – the #1 New Years Resolution is to LOSE WEIGHT. Can this really be a RESOLUTION? Being overweight is not a fluke – we didn’t just wake up this way. We have spent our entire lives eating fast food, fatty over-processed food, drinking soda and alcohol, and on top of that smoking. Forget about exercise – that hasn’t even been in our vocabulary. Make no mistake – we cannot change a LIFETIME of unhealthiness with a haphazard commitment to look like someone else. If you are going to take this seriously, don’t commit forever…just commit in this moment, and then in the next, and then the next. Be REALISTIC in your commitment…don’t expect results overnight…losing weight is part of choosing health as a priority in your life. If you aren’t willing to make changes to your lifestyle, you can skip this one entirely. Need help here? Start with nutrition, exercise, and even a healthy sleep schedule.
QUIT SMOKING – Yes, smoking will kill you, and will sicken those around you. Smoking is expensive, addictive, socially unacceptable, and deadly. Guess what…stop smoking and you can actually work on THREE resolutions at once; saving money, finding your health, and a thousand other benefits that are too vast to name. Visit to learn WHY you should choose life and stop poisoning yourself and those around you.
- GET OUT OF DEBT – No surprise here…we are in the middle of one of the worst economic recessions in 50 years – increasing our income and reducing our debt is on most people’s minds this year. Americans bought over $2 trillion worth of stuff on credit last year. (Readers Digest). Altogether, consumer credit card debt in the U.S. is at approximately $915 billion. Here are some very simple tips to start with: START A BUDGET and stick with it…and don’t go MORE into debt. Here is a GREAT article about getting out of debt:
- MORE TIME WITH FAMILY – Most of us (but maybe not all of us) want to spend more time with those we love the most. Don’t put work first…put your family first. Be careful or life will pass you by before you even know what happened. If we cannot make time for our family, what are we teaching our children, and why did we start a family at all? Get your priorities in order…
GET A BETTER JOB – If you are unhappy – CHANGE. If you are miserable – CHANGE. If you cannot change the way you see or contribute to your job, change your job. Life is too short not to find happiness. If you cannot find happiness in your job…then find a new one. Just make sure this it’s the job that’s causing the misery – and not you.
- REDUCE STRESS– Stress affects your health, relationships and family, work habits, and your ability to be happy. For obvious reasons, stress is a byproduct of dysfunction in our life. We can start by slowing down, taking a breath, and appreciating the amazing life we have been given. Make time for yourself, take a long walk, be grateful, be present…just learn to BE.
- STOP DRINKING – This is a great resolution to make just AFTER the new year begins. There are PLENTY of resources to help you stop drinking so don’t count on me for that. Just remember…EVERYTHING in moderation.
BE OF SERVICE – help someone else. Let’s not only be good role models for our children, butthrough giving and being of service, we will find fulfillment and happiness ourselves. Not only can we be grateful for everything we have been given, but we can give back and in so doing, be of service to those who need our help the most. We can never go wrong through selfless service.
- GET ORGANIZED – Ok, so this probably isn’t one of the TOP TEN New Year’s Resolutions, but wouldn’t your life be so much easier and less stressful if your life was organized? Clean out the fridge, get rid of those clothes you don’t wear anymore, and get your priorities in order.
- ENJOY LIFE AND FIND TRUE HAPPINESS – Can this really be a resolution? Probably not…for again this is the most powerful SIDE EFFECT of a life of conscious selection, a life of choice. Make good choices, those that are in alignment with your path and purpose in life…and you have the potential to find TRUE Happiness.
Remember, we are holistic in nature…we cannot be so myopic that we disregard the impact of one problem in our life, on the rest of our life. If we stop drinking, that will increase our health. If we get out of debt, that will decrease our stress. If we are of service, we will be happier and more fulfilled. We need to look at ourselves as a whole person in order to realize that we cannot accept dysfunction in any area of our life. We deserve to choose health, to be of service and to find happiness.
Maybe making resolutions isn’t the best way to go…as most of the time we don’t follow through and instead feel disappointed with ourselves. Instead, let’s just make better choices now, in this moment. No need to wait until a calendar event to choose happiness in your life…make the choices now that will bring you the happiness you truly desire.
Wishing you a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2010!
Kindly Yours,
P.S. If you have any resolutions you would like to add to the ten I posted above, please add them to the comments section below!
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