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Alcohol Abuse and Good Karma – Together?

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment

Authorities reported yesterday that a man (an extremely lucky man) fell 500 feet in his 1990 Toyota Hatchback and SURVIVED. Lest we forget, he was reportedly DRUNK at the time. Yes, he fell the equivalent of 50 stories, and aside from a case of amazing luck or spectacular Karma, the fact that he was drunk was most likely a key factor in his survival. A sober person, or at least a rational one, might have died on the way down even before impact, just at the mere thought of the ensuing nightmare.

We’ve all heard the story of the drunk driver getting into an absolutely horrific car accident, injuring or taking the lives of one or more innocent bystanders or passengers, and somehow the drunk driver survives, sometimes unscathed. It’s almost unfathomable that the very person who survives is the very one whocommittedthe atrocity in the first place. Some affectionately call this the “lucky-drunk hypothesis.” Don’t get me wrong – I would never say that being drunk is preferable to being sober, but at the very least, drunks have the propensity to be physically and mentally relaxed. What would our life be like if we were more at ease, more at peace, physically and mentally relaxed, and if we were more able to go with the flow?

Good Karma Sign

Good Karma Sign

Most of the challenges we face wouldn’t feel nearly as insurmountable if we could simply relax, breathe, and appreciate the moment. Kung Fu and Judo are renowned for teaching the student how to move with the energy of their opponent – often times using the energy of their opponentagainst them. Imagine if we could do that with our life. Instead of pushing upstream…what if we could go with the flow – allow the energy of the universe to guide us as we relax into the path before us. Why fight with nature when we don’t have to?

Yes, we can relax and be at ease, regardless of our outside circumstance. Yes, we can even learn from the incompetence and ignorance of the drunk driver how to relax and perhaps how to be at peace.


Your inspirational quote for the week!

“By looking at someone else’s problems, we temporarily lose sight of our own, and comparatively the challenges of our life don’t seem quite as momentous.”


In case you missed my live radio interview last Saturday night with Joshua P. Warren, Host of Speaking of Strange, the #1 Saturday Night Radio Show in the region on Clear Channel, News Radio 570 WWNC, I will a copy of the interview posted here shortly.

My next LIVE radio interview is Tuesday, July 13th at 6:00pm Mountain Time with Scott Cluthe, Executive Producer of Positively Incorrect Radio. Listen to it online at www.blogtalkradio.com/positively-incorrect, and www.scottcluthe.com.

Lastly, in case you haven’t had a chance to purchase your own very copy of the award-winning and life-changing Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life, its on sale now at Amazon.com for only $11.48, or you can order an autographed copy from www.SethChernoff.com or www.ManualForLiving.com.

Many Blessings,

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"Life is so much more than the reality we see before us. It is the existence of our extended self that guides us and gives us the opportunities to grow, providing the space for our greatness." - Chernoff - CONNECTION