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What Kind of Person Are You – Complacent or Empowered?

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment

In life, it is natural for us to be faced with emotional hardship, physical pain, mental anguish, or even spiritual apathy. Yet in the face of these challenges and the associated fear, there are those of us who cower – and others who embrace the opportunity, power through or grow through the challenges to live lives of incredible service, fulfillment and happiness. Why are some of us stronger, more courageous, and more able to face the challenges of our lives?

Everything in this world is in perpetual motion, we never stop moving. In life, we are either living or dying – there is no in-between. We either grow or deteriorate and the choice is ours. This is not a reflection of just our physical body, but instead a reflection of the choices we make in every waking moment. Yes, we are in control of the way we experience, engage in and react to the world around us.

So, I ask you…What kind of person are you?


Are you the type of person who is paralyzed in the face of fear? Are you satisfied to live your life as minute deviations of yesterday? Are you happy with mediocrity or pettiness? Are you afraid of change? Do you question your beliefs? Are you complacent, moderately satisfied but not happy or fulfilled with the life you have chosen? Do you have a hard time getting up in the morning, or perhaps finding the energy to do anything of meaning in your life?


Are you the type of person who embraces a life of purpose, of happiness? Are you able to find strength and act courageously in the face of fear? Are you driven to find meaning in your life? When faced with challenges, are you empowered to succeed, to survive? Are you striving for meaning and purpose in life? Do you wake up in the morning with a desire to discover the world? Do you have a list of things you want to do before you die? Are you inspired by the opportunities that life has to offer?

Lost and Confused?

Lost and Confused?

Still can’t figure out which kind of person you are?

Let me help you…but this time let’s go with BLUNT if the above global view-point didn’t help you figure this out. If you answer YES to ANY of the following questions – there is a very good chance that you are more complacent than empowered. Are you depressed, miserable, bitter or angry? Do you smoke, eat fast food on a regular basis, and believe that exercise is for hippies or sissies? Is your idea of being of service getting yourself another beer? Is your idea of fulfillment the all-you-can eat buffet at the Golden Corral? Is your idea of true happiness watching Family Guy re-runs? Do you like porn, do drugs, like alcohol to an extreme, or sleep late on a regular basis? Are you hedonistic to a fault, are you always right, or do you believe that money is important than happiness? I think you get the point…

We are ALL challenged…quite often to an extreme, with more than we think we can even handle in any given moment. However, our challenges are ours alone, and they can rarely be compared to those around us. We are challenged in the method and manner that gives us the greatest opportunity to grow. For me, it was physical challenge through cancer(s), mental challenges in business, emotional challenges through family, spiritual challenges from within myself, and so on. Each and every challenge gave me the opportunity to learn more about myself, to be more of service, and to discover a deeper and more meaningful connection to myself, to my spirituality, and to those around me. Your challenge might be illness, family, death or imminent death of a loved one, financial hardship, or any number of obstacles that challenge every aspect of your being.

I invite you to look at each of your challenges as an opportunity and as a gift, to learn and to grow, and to find more ways to be of service in your life. Its not easy, especially with the demands of our lives, but it is essential to living a life of lasting happiness and true fulfillment.

Until next time, many blessings,

PS – Order my new award-winning book now at Amazon.com and I promise that if you are open to learn and to grow, this book can help find the truth in life, discover what you truly desire. If you are COMPLACENT – this is just what you need. And if you are EMPOWERED, this book will absolutely help you along your path. If you would prefer a custom autographed copy, simply go to www.ManualForLiving.com for ordering details.

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, March 29

"Children learn more from who we are than by what we say or
attempt to teach or preach." - Chernoff - CONNECTION