About Seth David Chernoff
BIO: Seth David Chernoff is the award-winning author of the acclaimed Manual For Living book series. He was given the amazing gift of life after surviving cancer on two separate occasions. Seth helps people find true happiness and fulfillment through his books, seminars, and lectures. Seth’s work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Popular Mechanics, Business Week, USA Today, and on hundreds of TV and radio interviews nationally and internationally.
By Seth David Chernoff:
Manual For Living: REALITY, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life
Applying the Manual For Living: REALITY, Exercise & Meditation Guidebook
Manual For Living: CONNECTION, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life
Manual For Living: PURPOSE, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life (Coming soon, 2013)
“Like many, as a child I was gifted with numerous insights and understandings, yet I spent decades ignoring my inner wisdom and truth, only to stumble and fall over and over again, as much the result of inner turmoil as external mayhem. I have been challenged spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically; when I clearly could handle no more, the havoc and opportunity only grew larger. Sometimes I allowed myself to become engulfed by extreme pain and suffering, but only in direct proportion to my own ignorance and disregard for my truth and path in life.
In the end, my life has been exhilarating and spectacular in many ways, with every experience granting me the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to evolve. I have survived cancer on two separate occasions, lived with chronic headaches every single day of my life since I was five-years- old, and experienced extreme physical pain so unbearable that I became physically sick and temporarily paralyzed. As traumatic as the physical pain was, it paled in comparison to the mental, emotional and spiritual growth I was afforded through this and countless other opportunities.
Through hardship came strength, and as a result of pain I found joy. Through suffering came gratitude, and by letting go I found my path and purpose in life.
I have experienced the fullness of so much of life—the magnificence and the betrayal, true happiness and heartbreaking sadness, sickness and health, life and death, and true love. I have searched everywhere for the answers, but eventually realized that the guidance I desired was actually here for me all along, not from outside myself, but from within. It was then that I found my truth and my purpose in life.
We each have a distinct path and purpose in life, a destiny as unique as our own fingerprints or DNA structure, yet we often live lives of petty obscurity and quiet desperation, ignoring our truth and our path, choosing to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our own choices. Instead of receiving true happiness, love, and fulfillment, we experience it through a commitment to serve others and to find excellence in life. What if you really were in control of your life? What if you accepted that your current state of affairs was entirely the result of the choices you’ve made and the actions you’ve taken? What if you acknowledged that the present condition of your home, the quality of your relationships, your fulfillment at work, the size of your bank account, and the level of happiness you felt inside were 100% the result of all of the decisions you’ve made throughout your entire life? What if you stopped giving away your power and instead invested your time and energy into the creation of your life in exactly the form and manner you desired?
What if this work could help you find happiness, fulfillment, and love?
In life we often are forced to learn our lessons the hard way; through trial and tribulation, pain and suffering, failure and defeat. What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if we could learn through others, by listening to the knowledge and wisdom of those who have traveled the road before us? What if we listened to our own truth and followed our inner guidance? We can alter and advance our consciousness in respect to all that we believe to be true. Take advantage of this information as it is the culmination of a life lived through growth, dedication, and purpose.
A healthy skepticism is crucial to navigating the life-path before us and eventually discovering our truth and finding our inner voice. I ask you simply to try this on, take it as your own: Give your life a chance to become everything you choose it to be, everything you imagine it to be. Every chapter in this book has the possibility of enhancing your life, improving your relationships, deepening your understanding, and bringing you closer to true happiness and fulfillment.
Don’t expect that someone else will step in to fulfill the purpose you neglect, the path you disregard. Life is far too short, and your life is far too important.
Don’t sacrifice your truth or your values, for we each have our special place within this world, and it is our prerogative to find that purpose and fulfill it with every morsel of our being. The loss of a life is not nearly as devastating as the loss of what could have been, of the dreams left unfulfilled and lingering passions undiscovered. This is not a book about religion; it is a book about life for those who choose to grow, who desire a more fulfilled life, and who accept that we are only as magnificent as we choose to be in this moment. This book is a reflection of my personal path in life, and I hope you will find it useful as you navigate your own.” – Manual For Living