About the Author
Traditionally this section of most websites or blogs are used to talk about me, the Author, about my accomplishments, achievements, and milestones. Well, briefly I am a full-time marketing professional, two-time cancer survivor and author of the award-winning book: Manual For Living: Reality, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life. However, instead of using this section of the book to share my history, to showcase areas where I might proclaim my separateness or perceived authority or pre-eminence, I have chosen to use this section to share not how we are dissimilar but how we are alike, for I am like you in more ways than you can imagine.
"WOW! Seth is really a good speaker – he has a gift of connecting with the audience. I love how he shares so much of himself. It almost makes him seem like one of the audience. You know, when I read his first book, I kept asking myself (he)... could be the vessel for so much simple wisdom. The “veil is really lifting” – Seth is a glowing example of this. Bless him for sharing so much light. ...he is a beautiful spirit – a good person. I hope his journey brings him back." - L Shirk, Des Moines, IA
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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26
"Our goal in this lifetime is not to stake our claim, but to help manifest the connectedness in others that we innately seek within ourselves." - Chernoff - CONNECTION