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What is an intentional life?

What is an intentional life?

What is an intentional life? What does it mean to live a conscious life? Does it mean that we choose whatever path we “want” – full speed ahead, regardless of the consequences? You hate your job? But you can’t quit - it provides benefits for your family. Don’t like where you live? But my children have friends here. You aren’t happy in your relationship? But we can’t fix it and it’s too much work to change it. It’s a fine line between living a conscious, connected life that each of us defines and loves, and sometimes making the difficult choices that put our needs first.
Why are we willing to settle for less than we really are? COMMENTS Welcome

Why are we willing to settle for less than we really are? COMMENTS Welcome

What are we afraid of ? Why are we unable to move into the future? Are we afraid to change? Are we unwilling to let go of the illusion of the security and safety of the moment? Why are we willing to settle for less than we really are? COMMENTS Welcome.
“…it’s the relationship that defines us, in this human existence…”

“…it’s the relationship that defines us, in this human existence…”

"...it's the relationship that defines us, in this human existence..."
TODAY is the Day! Order Your Book and Join our quest to be #1 on Amazon

TODAY is the Day! Order Your Book and Join our quest to be #1 on Amazon

TODAY is the Day! Order Your Book and Join our quest to be #1 on Amazon. Today is devoted to FRIENDSHIP (an entire CHAPTER in Manual For Living: CONNECTION). "In life, we must stand up for our greatness and attract those with whom we can connect on the deepest level while fostering our mutual evolution and fulfillment." ~ Manual For Living: CONNECTION, Pg 205
Order Your Copy of CONNECTION on Wednesday and Help Make it #1 on Amazon!

Order Your Copy of CONNECTION on Wednesday and Help Make it #1 on Amazon!

Order Your Copy of CONNECTION on Wednesday and Help Make it #1 on Amazon!. We forget that life is so quickly over and that living in the moment does not allow time for regret. ~ Manual For Living: CONNECTION, Pg 27
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"I have always considered myself a spiritual person. Reading this book just confirmed that belief. I learned so much from this book that I feel overwhelmed. This would be the perfect gift for someone who is going through a rough time right now. It is absolutely amazing." - Readaholic

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Tip of the Day — Monday, March 31

"We must learn to accept that everything happens as it is meant to, thereby allowing us to move confidently in the direction of our dreams." - Chernoff - REALITY