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Author Blog

9/11 – Making the CONNECTION Ten Years Later

9/11 – Making the CONNECTION Ten Years Later

Ten years later. It's hard to miss the reality that we're still processing that day. Today's quote from Manual For Living: CONNECTION is from Page 19. "We may continually recreate the present moment anew, but we are always simultaneously in the shadow of the past and in the presence of the future."

WHY do we Underestimate the POWER of CONNECTION?

Listen to Award-Winning Author, Seth Chernoff's recent Radio Interview with Barbara Joye and Believe In The Moment Radio discussing CONNECTION (Length: 17 Minutes)
The Law of Abundance is Not About Attracting Stuff

The Law of Abundance is Not About Attracting Stuff

The truth is that most of us have more than enough money to live joyful lives and provide for our families. But rather than choosing simplicity, we choose physical over spiritual abundance, a larger mortgage over our emotional well-being. We choose more STUFF over more PEACE.
10 Ways to Maintain the Faith of Your Convictions

10 Ways to Maintain the Faith of Your Convictions

It’s hard enough to even hear our truth with all of the constant noise and chaos around us - but to actually follow it, when life throws us curve balls, is the ultimate test of our convictions. When life gets us down, its time to re-connect, re-engage, and re-invigorate ourselves. Here are 10 simple ways to maintain your faith and to follow your truth when you hit speed bumps and road blocks along the path to happiness and fulfillment.
There is No Hierarchy in the Structure of Humankind

There is No Hierarchy in the Structure of Humankind

It’s easy to personalize the insecurities, fears, and otherwise outward projections of others, perceiving them to be our own. To feel like we’re on a teetering tower. We try to stay open to the world around us, yet we open ourselves to everyone else’s dysfunction. We attempt to walk as vessels in the mind and image of God, available and of service to those around us. But unfortunately, we often tend to absorb petty strife and confusion, anger and frustration, and instead of focusing on our own path, we end up taking responsibility for everybody else’s.
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"I am a firm believer that when a person is ready, the teacher will appear, my teacher appeared when I picked up the Manual for Living! I have struggled with depression, addictions of all sorts and wounds from the past that still hurt me today . I have been searching for inner peace my whole life. I got great comfort and many questions answered from the Manual for Living. I have started picking it up when I am feeling lost and I have not been disappointed with the message that I receive. The book made such an impression on me I drove 1000 miles to meet Seth. What a wonderful soul he is! Seth lives his message and it is clear to see that when you are around him. I have given this book away to over 10 people and I will continue to give it away because I believe in the message it holds." - Kim G.

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Tip of the Day — Monday, March 31

"Decide carefully, for in this moment you are the person you choose to be." - Chernoff - CONNECTION