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Author Blog

Spiritual vs Religious? 16 ways to know for sure…

Spiritual vs Religious? 16 ways to know for sure…

There was another post on CNN this morning attempting to understand those identifying themselves as “spiritual” rather than purely “religious”. I always find it fascinating when people criticize what they don’t understand. There will always be naysayers, particularly when some… read more
(shhh…) #1 on Amazon?

(shhh…) #1 on Amazon?

THANK YOU for your support. Because of you, currently our Manual For Living: REALITY promo has an Amazon Best Sellers Rank of #12 in the Kindle store (which is incredible), and we are #1 in categories like Inspirational, Spiritual, Cancer,… read more
Personal note from Seth…(free book)

Personal note from Seth…(free book)

I have a huge gift for you. In honor of today’s launch (September 18th) of my newest book (Applying the Manual For Living: Exercise & Meditation Guidebook), I have decided to GIVE AWAY Manual For Living: REALITY,… read more
Sasquatch Lives, a Life of Mysterious Awakenings

Sasquatch Lives, a Life of Mysterious Awakenings

On a recent trip to Ketchikan, Alaska, my attention was drawn to the following sign. Clearly I am not an award-winning photographer, and even less so on a bus driving 40MPH. Make of it what you like, but it was… read more
Creating the Space for Greatness, for what you desire – L8

Creating the Space for Greatness, for what you desire – L8

When you have identified the disparity between where you are and where you want to be, you have the ability to affect change you in your life. The first step is to increase your awareness, and beyond that… read more
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"This book could not have been more appropriate and needed. This gift you sent out to the world will forever be greeted with grateful and loving arms. Thank you for everything but most of all the keys." - Claudia R

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"We have the right to be happy and deserve to be—but we must choose it and we must earn it." - Chernoff - REALITY