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Author Blog

Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

What is Cancer of the Soul? Beyond Physical Cancer Awareness and Healing, its Emotional and Spiritual Cancer that can only be cured from within, by the choices we make in any given moment. Our ability to choose life… read more
Releasing the Past, Moving Forward, Letting Go – L4

Releasing the Past, Moving Forward, Letting Go – L4

How to fully RELEASE the past, move forward, and let go of anything that stands in the way of where you want to be in your life. Spiritual release toward true happiness and fulfillment. My newest and what I believe… read more
Physical Health, Emotional Wellbeing, Your Body as a Vessel For Greatness – L31

Physical Health, Emotional Wellbeing, Your Body as a Vessel For Greatness – L31

Our physical body is only a representation of who we’re being in this life…it’s a vessel or a vehicle, to help us get from where we are to where want to be. If you have dreams, desires, things that you… read more
Time Enough, Effective Time Management & Prioritization – L2

Time Enough, Effective Time Management & Prioritization – L2

Our most precious resource – our time. How do we manage and prioritize our time such that we take care of what matters most? How do we effectively manage our task and todo list such that live a life read more
Eliminating the Drama & Chaos to Find Authentic Happiness

Eliminating the Drama & Chaos to Find Authentic Happiness

We need to be conscious of the external environment we create for ourselves as we move toward happiness and fulfillment in our life. Often times the environment that suited us in the past is not the one that will suit… read more
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"After receiving this book I dove right in and began...in the beginning it all felt a little dorky, writing down goals and listening a video of someone I knew nothing about. And I would find myself too caught up in other things to do a daily exercise, a mantra and a meditation. After missing a day or two, I would simply start right where I had left off. In about three weeks I noticed how I actually found myself curious and looking forward to what was next. And by then I had also noticed I liked the way I was \"processing\" or thinking and feeling about things through my day as a direct result. I went back and did another Inventory as well as rewrote or expanded my goals. Watching a daily video online, writing in this programmed guidebook and also adding in the daily meditations...all just flow through me so easily now. I am happy to say, it is working for me ……. and I\'m very glad I stumbled across the text and now this Guidebook." - Murshid Library Thing

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, January 21

"Knowledge does not create wisdom; having all the right answers at the wrong time makes no one the wiser." - Chernoff - CONNECTION