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Author Blog

Just Say NO To Life – Mediocrity is Your Friend?

Just Say NO To Life – Mediocrity is Your Friend?

Isn’t it interesting how we constantly try to make ourselves comfortable in life – choosing mediocrity and complacency over taking risks and facing challenges? Of course, we don’t consciously choose mediocrity most of the time – mediocrity is simply the read more
Nature Danger, Are You Playing It Safe, & Esther Hicks

Nature Danger, Are You Playing It Safe, & Esther Hicks

Do you remember when we were encouraged to drink water out of the garden hose? When sunscreen was mistaken for lotion? When nobody wore helmets when they rode their bicycle? When physical intimacy wasn’t prefaced by a conversation about STD’s?… read more
Spring Cleaning Your Life – 10 Surefire Ways to Let Go of the Past

Spring Cleaning Your Life – 10 Surefire Ways to Let Go of the Past

Yes, it’s that time of year when we are teased with warmth yet reminded of the remnants of winter. Being in Colorado, I enjoy living in a region where we fully experience the four seasons – although I do find… read more
Total Happiness Immersion is coming soon…

Total Happiness Immersion is coming soon…

I hope you had a Happy Valentines Day yesterday…I am very sorry for the delay in posting an update but we have been working on something VERY exciting for you. The Total Happiness Immersion Program Based on the True Happiness… read more
Popular Book Highlights from Amazon Kindle Customers

Popular Book Highlights from Amazon Kindle Customers

I recently encountered the following data on the Manual For Living book series that I found fascinating and I wanted to share it with you! Apparently, Amazon keeps track of the most popular highlights from Amazon Kindle Customers. Here is… read more
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"I bought this book as I left a job without a plan, trusting that if you jump off the cliff you’ll land on your feet because the universe loves you. Manual For Living was released just as I was making my decision to jump and felt like a sign so I bought it. I was glad I did. This book accomplishes what it sets out to do. I highly recommend this one." - Brendan Roberts

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, February 23

"We can all benefit from the humbleness of a life of service and an openness to learn." - Chernoff - REALITY