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“…it’s the relationship that defines us, in this human existence…”

by manualforliving   //   Connection

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CONNECTION is the 2nd in a series of three books designed to provide a road map for life’s trials on an as needed basis. This unique approach to the Self-Help genre empowers readers to answer their own questions so they can return to a path of happiness and ultimately fulfillment. This Radio Interview is with Barbara Joye and Believe In The Moment Radio.

Join Seth’s Next Free Coaching Call on
“True Happiness Regardless of Circumstance”

Thursday, September 29th at 9:30 EDT / 6:30 PDT. Award-Winning Author Seth David Chernoff shares his insights and responds to questions from readers and fans. Seth will try to respond to questions live or pre-submitted. Of course, he’ll only use first names to protect the innocent!

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"This came all in perfect timing – my Uncle Ernie passed away yesterday morning from cancer. My Uncle Ernie had 2 months to live once he found out. My mom is a 5 year cancer survivor. You’ve lived it, you’ve survived it...I want the entire world to find this. Many, many blessings. I can’t wait to read more." - Mimi - http://www.de-stresswithyoga.com/

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, December 22

"By attempting to be right, we will sacrifice not only our relationships, but our life itself, for the basis for our life is the connections we share." - Chernoff - CONNECTION