Oh Yes You Can – Making Better Choices and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
We hear it all the time, and have said it ourselves many times: I don’t have X! I can’t do Y, I have to do Z. When did we give up our right to choose?
The problem is that we DON’T consciously choose – we let our life circumstance dictate the choices in our life. But when did that happen? When did our choices become obligations? When did our commitments become commandments?
Aren’t we totally free? Don’t we have CHOICES? (by the way, the answer is YES > we ALWAYS have a choice) – although we are often imprisoned in our own mind (as spoken so simplistically by Og Mandino).
Making Better Choices
The moment we move from CHOOSING to do something to HAVING to do something, we immediately give our power away and become subservient to our agenda. We play second fiddle to our own life – as if we could BLAME someone else for our misfortune.
We don’t need to run away or disappear from our lives in order to find balance, but there are TWO KEY things that must happen in order to right the course of our life.
- We need to TAKE CONTROL, not so much in the form of action but INTENTION. Change the languaging – for example: “I have to go to the doctor” becomes, “I look forward to going to the doctor.” “I HAVE to pick my son of from school” becomes “ “I am excited to pick my son up from school.” A simple change in languaging immediately shifts us from feeling like puppets on a string to being in the drivers seat. In addition, it moves us immediately away from frustration and often to gratitude.
- Secondly, we need to GET CLEAR on our priorities and what REALLY matters in our life. We often forget that our priorities drive our commitments, so if our life is out of balance, we need to look first at our priorities. Let’s be conscious about how we spend out time – doing those things first that really matter, that make a difference in our lives or in the lives of those around us. It’s fine to be a fully committed parent, but not at the expense of our own well-being and happiness. If part of our job is to teach our children how to find happiness in their life, then we must lead by example, and what better way to teach then to find happiness in our own life.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
We cannot do it all, for that I am certain. Regardless of our age, ethnicity, or the money in our bank account – we all have the same amount of hours in the day, and minutes in the hour. It’s what we do with that time that makes all the difference. Our ability to change ourselves, to improve and enhance our own well-being is all that is required to change the world, and to impact the lives of those around us. Often it’s not ACTION that makes the biggest difference but WHO we are choosing to be in the process.
Remember we ALWAYS have a choice as to how we live our life but we only control WHO we are being, and the ACTIONS we take.
Choose wisely friends, and enjoy the ride.
Many beautiful blessings,
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