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Total Happiness Immersion is coming soon…

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Connection

I hope you had a Happy Valentines Day yesterday…I am very sorry for the delay in posting an update but we have been working on something VERY exciting for you.

The Total Happiness Immersion Program

Based on the True Happiness Matrix, we are working on one of the most comprehensive interactive life transformation programs, focused on helping you find true happiness and fulfillment in your life. Powered by the Manual For Living, this program incorporates video, daily action items, powerful content, and a structured system of principles, tools, and strategies to help you find happiness in your life. This 90-day immersion program will be available soon so keep an eye out for it. We will be limiting the first round of participants.

Upcoming Speaking events:

If you want to meet me in person, come to one of my True Happiness workshops or seminars this year. I will be putting on some very special events over the next few months all over the country. I would love to meet you, and you will have the opportunity to learn about the True Happiness Matrix, the Three Pillars of Happiness, and much more. Additional information on each of these events is listed on our events page but feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

  • March 10th – Saturday in Des Moines, IA. Keynote speech at the Edge Life Expo
  • April 27th – Friday in San Francisco, CA. Workshop/Seminar at the New Life Expo 2012
  • May 26th – Saturday in Austin, TX. Workshop/Seminar at Unity Church of the Hills
  • June 5thNew York, NY. Book Expo America

Have a beautiful week and until next time,

Many blessings,


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"5 stars for sure. I find this book uncomfortably soul searching. It is a workbook in the truest sense. The answers are not graded but come from your innermost being. It is not a \"reading\" book but one that asks questions that you know the answer to but have not wanted to face up to perhaps. I am not working on this on a daily basis but move thru the exercises when I feel ready. It is progressive but meaningfully. Working thru the segments of Time, Illness, Fear, Environment, Reality, Physicality, Death, Finance, etc. takes time and deep thought. The daily mantras and evening meditations are very beneficial. I\'m very grateful to have this book become an integral part of my opening up to a deeper honesty." - Czarnopys Library Thing

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"Children teach us patience, understanding, trust, and allow us to experience the entire gamut of human emotion." - Chernoff - CONNECTION