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Midlife Crisis? Lets break it down.

Midlife Crisis? Lets break it down.

I have been moving through a period of transition, which my dearest friend Mark Gerzon termed my “midlife crisis” – of which he is intimately familiar. I find fault with the phrase for a multitude of reasons – primarily the… read more
What is Success?

What is Success?

What is Success? The age old question of what defines success. It’s more important than we care to acknowledge as it’s the basis for our inner weather, the benchmark through which we analyze our life, and whether we like it… read more
Making a Difference – Our Real World Impact

Making a Difference – Our Real World Impact

We never know the full extent of the difference we make in our world. Sometimes we have an inkling, a minor perception of our impact, but the ripples of our contributions extend far beyond even our greatest comprehension. The value… read more
Why do we make life harder than it needs to be?

Why do we make life harder than it needs to be?

Do we make life harder than it needs to be? We tend to over-complicate things, making life more challenging than necessary. Sometimes I think we are taught that the harder way or the more difficult path is the better path,… read more
What Does It Mean To Get “Cold Feet” – Intuition or Wisdom?

What Does It Mean To Get “Cold Feet” – Intuition or Wisdom?

What does it mean when you get “cold feet?” No, it’s not what your wife puts on your back when you get into bed. It’s anxiety, nerves, timidity, and fearfulness around a particular course of action. Why do read more
How To Be Happy – Philosophy

How To Be Happy – Philosophy

They say life happens in between what we plan… …and my life has been planned to the brim as I continually relearn how to be happy, yet the universe sees fit to continually push me beyond my wildest dreams –… read more
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"The Manual for Living by Seth David Chernoff is a book special to me. I want to make its words a part of my life. It is spiritually remaking my life along with my Holy Bible. If you have the chance to pick up this gold mine to read, please do. It is saving me from wasting more time in my life. It is saving me from the fear of death. It is helping me in so many ways." - Read With Tea Book Review Blog

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, January 21

"What we truly desire cannot be obtained outside of ourselves." - Chernoff - CONNECTION