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A Note About Gratitude

by manualforliving   //   Enlightenment

If I had one lesson to offer to others, after facing cancer, and being blessed with the huge opportunity and gift to continue living, it’s this:

You can be Courageous!

It doesn’t matter how scared you are, you can move through it. It doesn’t matter what anybody thinks, it doesn’t matter what anybody does. What matters is that you are living your most significant, powerful truth. What matters is that you are following your path.

Even more than that, in doing so, you get to relinquish responsibility for those things that happen outside of you, that our OUTSIDE of your control. These things have a tendency to impact your life or that can even have a tendency to control you.

Powerfully making that decision, to relinquish responsibility means that when you’re facing obstacles you can CHOOSE to access happiness no matter what comes at you from the outside world.You’re going to be bumped, you’re going be knocked off, you’re going be knocked over, and you may even be driven over. That’s part of this physical existence. But none that has the power to derail you or stop your courageous self-defined magnificent life and work.

If we have faith in our own truth, and in our own inner knowing – if you have faith in life itself, faith that you’re here for very specific reason, and that life will work out in a way that’s supportive and beneficial to you – then it doesn’t matter what happens outside of you – you are on a very specific path, designed by your highest self to do your best, most magnificent work and to live your best, most courageous life.

There’s NOTHING to lose but every day that you don’t live your truth and the fullness of your life.

With appreciation and friendship,

Seth David Chernoff


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"In life, we must stand up for our greatness and attract those with whom we can connect on the deepest level while fostering our mutual evolution and fulfillment." - Chernoff - CONNECTION