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Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment

What is Cancer of the Soul? Beyond Physical Cancer Awareness and Healing, its Emotional and Spiritual Cancer that can only be cured from within, by the choices we make in any given moment. Our ability to choose life predicates our level of happiness and fulfillment.

Applying the Manual For Living: Exercise & Meditation Guidebook is available for pre-order now! Its being released in September – the 328 page Guidebook to happiness and fulfillment is being printed in limited quantities so place your order now – ENJOY!

As always, I welcome your thoughts, feedback, insights, and questions.
Many Blessings,


Seth David Chernoff
Author, Manual For Living – REALITY, Manual For Living – CONNECTION, and the new Applying the Manual For Living: Exercise & Meditation Guidebook.


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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"In the end, it is the quality of our life and not the quantity." - Chernoff - REALITY