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Creating the Space for Greatness, for what you desire – L8

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment, Happiness Videos

When you have identified the disparity between where you are and where you want to be, you have the ability to affect change you in your life. The first step is to increase your awareness, and beyond that it is to be clear about what you desire in every part of your life.

Following your truth requires a willingness to let go of anything and everything that isn’t working in your life. Remember, nobody controls our life – we control our life. We cannot blame others for our lack of fulfillment in relationship, business, spirituality, or anywhere else. We are the captain of our ship, we are in control of our destiny.

Applying the Manual For Living: Exercise & Meditation Guidebook is available for pre-order now! Released on September 18th – the 328 page Guidebook to happiness and fulfillment is currently being printed – order yours today!

Many Blessings,


Seth David Chernoff
Author, Manual For Living – REALITY, Manual For Living – CONNECTION, and the new Applying the Manual For Living: Exercise & Meditation Guidebook.


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"I found the book to work for me as it put everything in my life into a greater perspective. I found a quiet time and place to read the book on a regular basis. Manual For Living is a guide to finding balance and reconnecting with your spirit. I have to admit that I was happier after reading Manual For Living. It showed me that there were simple moments of happiness that I had missed along the way. These were not necessarily milestones, but the common and everyday moments that are truly the most special, and which make up the best memories over time. I’d recommend this book to everyone." - Luxury Reading (Poppy)

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"By choosing not to see what stands before us, we choose ignorance over evolution." - Chernoff - CONNECTION