Five Ways to Succeed With Your New Years Resolutions and Intentions
Happy New Year everyone! We recovered from our gluttonous feast on New Years Eve as we attempted to challenge EVERY artery with a true 3-course fondue fest of cheese, oil and chocolate. I have discovered this to be one of the most enjoyable ways to experience dinner with those you love, and to finish the year with a little flair, not to mention an extravagant disaster in the kitchen.
The New Year is officially here! By now you are probably well into your resolutions…or should I say “intentions” as that appears to be the languaging of choice these days. Semantics aside, we all know that is doesn’t matter what we call it – it comes down to each of us individually and our commitment to our truth, our path, and our ability to persist in what we desire. Every year we come to this place in time, reflect upon our life, and attempt to change the elements of our life that are out of alignment, while attracting more of what we truly desire. However, the premise seems to always be “changing” something we don’t like about ourselves or our life. However, when we come from lack, disappointment, frustration or negativity –it is much harder to affect change in our lives. So, in light of my desire that all of your dreams and desires come to fruition…
FIVE Ways to Succeed with YOUR New Years Resolutions (or Intentions)!
- ONE: Begin with Gratitude. Begin every day, every challenge, every conscious moment with gratitude. We each have so much to be grateful for, and from a place of gratitude, our focus stays within our heart, consistent with our truth, and allows us to stay true to our path.
- TWO: Take it ONE DAY at a time. Do you want a better body weight? Trying to quit smoking or drinking? Do you desire better or more connected relationships? It doesn’t matter what your intention is – just commit for today, and then recommit tomorrow. Take it one day at a time. If you screw up for whatever reason, just recommit. Don’t make yourself wrong, just keep at it. We have patterns we have created for ourselves that have been with us in many cases for our entire life. Changing those patterns take time – so pace yourself. If you slip, just stand back up and start again.
- THREE: Be Realistic. Trying to earn $1,000,000 in 4 months, or lose 100 pounds in 6-weeks? Be reasonable about what you can achieve, but that doesn’t mean that you should stop dreaming. When I create my list of “manifestations” – I always have my list of dreams and desires, and then separately, the specific achievable outcomes I work toward. Create a healthy balance between your dreams and your achievable desires.
- FOUR: BE KIND TO YOURSELF! Don’t berate yourself, beat yourself up, or judge yourself for your actions. We are who we choose to be in any given present moment. Don’t obsess about the past – simply focus on the moment at hand. We are ALL dealing with challenges in life in various ways. Understand and accept that life is a process, and where you are is PERFECT.
- FIVE: Have Fun and Express your Greatest Sense of Happiness. Don’t make yourself miserable over your intentions or resolutions, or you will never achieve them. Find a away to make them fun. Do you want to exercise more? Try something new – dance, volleyball, dodge-ball, biking, ice skating, etc. As they say – all roads lead to Rome – so pick the one that makes you happy. There are MANY WAYS to achieve your goals. Get support, and try to make the process as enjoyable as possible.
Remember, we all face challenges in life, but it is how we respond to the challenges we face that determines the quality of our existence. We are not our challenges – we are WHO we choose to be in any and every waking moment. Be strong, be courageous, be fun, and enjoy this precious life.
Much love and many blessings,
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