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Happy Happy Joy – Bringing In The New Year

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment, Featured

Dancing By The WheelIt’s that time of year again when the clocks tick down to the end of the year, and somehow we are still here – contrary to the conspiracy theorists, the world has not ended. While the media immerses itself in the fiscal cliff and the traumas of the prior year – individually we have more important things to focus our energy upon. We have the incredible opportunity to review the prior year at a glance to see what worked, what didn’t, to see how we have evolved – and to figure out what comes next.

Tuesday marks the beginning of the new year, providing us with a new beginning, a do-over if you will for each and every one of us. We can reinvent ourselves, re-prioritize what really matters, and consciously decide what the next year will bring.

We all have endless choices and opportunities, and although we may feel challenged in various areas of our lives, we are in the perfect place to create everything we desire. NOW is YOUR time – you are worthy of everything you desire.

Important Principles to Start a New Year

  • When looking at your life in retrospect, always focus on the positive. We all have our missteps, but they often pale in comparison to all that we have achieved, all that we have become in the process. Celebrate the wins, and take the rest in stride.
  • Remember, you can go ANYWHERE from here. Stop obsessing about the past, about what could or should have been. This is our chance to dream of a future fulfilled and FULL of bliss. Now is our opportunity to imagine aconsciously created life – one in full alignment with our truth, with who we know ourselves to be.
  • We each have created our current life, and every decision up to this moment. If we want to change the future, we have only to look in the mirror, and at the present moment – for it is the ONLY moment we can control.
  • Let down your guard and DREAM. Many of us have given up on our dreams as we have gotten older and settled into the structures, responsibilities and demands of our lives. Remember, nothing is certain in life other than change and our physical death (and perhaps taxes) – everything else is left to our own creation.
My father and younger son Eli saying goodbye to the USS Enterprise where he served.

My father Captain Chernoff saying goodbye to the USS Enterprise where he served (with my younger son Eli).

Here are a few fantastic articles to help you create your future exactly as you desire.

Until next year – many blessings and VERY Happy New Year!

All my best,

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"We make decisions that force us to perpetually sacrifice. As a result, we not only provide less of ourselves to our loved ones, we become less as a result." - Chernoff - CONNECTION