Happy Thanksgiving and Our Attitude of Gratitude
What is it about feeling and expressing gratitude that can change our entire demeanor? No matter how bad we may feel in any given moment…by finding and authentically sharing our gratitude, we instantly feel a shift from inside of ourselves. How can a “feeling” change our entire demeanor, our expressions, our well-being, and our sense of peace and belonging? What we affectionately refer to as an “attitude of gratitude” is really an amazing tool, used to help us access a sense of inner peace, even when we may be surrounded by pain.
“Pure and simple, gratitude is the only way to change our internal programming. Appreciation of the moment and for what we have today is our only true opportunity for peace and happiness.” – Manual For Living
Sometimes finding gratitude can be challenging, especially when life is incredibly painful, and there doesn’t seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. Suffice it to say that after surviving cancer on two separate occasions, finding things to be grateful for is a part of my every day. I think we need to remember that part of this physical existence is facing challenges and the actual experience of pain. It is inevitable, and our efforts to avoid it tend to make it worse. Pain has been an incredible teacher for me throughout my life, every day from as far back as I can remember, helping to keep me grounded and present to the moment.
We cannot avoid pain, just as we cannot avoid death, but our ability to experience pain for what it is, nothing more and nothing less, will allow to grow and to appreciate all of the beautiful gifts we have been given.
“We cannot obtain more time in this life, for when our departure time comes, our ticket is non-refundable; our only choice is to be grateful for the time we have been allotted. The same can be said for being grateful for the money and physical items we have attained, the company we keep, and even the love and caring we experience. There are always people “worse” off than we are, people more challenged financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Gratitude will take us further than we can imagine; the more we can appreciate, the more we will attain, whether in perception or actuality, and the greater our sense of peace and well-being.” – Manual For Living
The truth is that no matter how bad things may feel in this moment, they can always be worse. There are so many in our world who are hurting, and we have so very much to be grateful for. In my own Thanksgiving way, beyond the amazing gratitude I share for my wife, my children, my parents, brother, extended family and friends, I would like to thank you for reading this and for being a part of my path, albeit often an anonymous part. You see, I didn’t write the Manual For Living for me, I wrote it for you, and it doesn’t exist without those who desire the wisdom contained within it. So with that – I say THANK YOU! I appreciate you and I am grateful for you.
Last week Melissa Monahan won a free copy of the Manual For Living for sharing her profound resilience for life’s obstacles. But with it being Thanksgiving, this week I am giving away TWO MORE copies of the Manual, this time to those in need. Do you have an amazing story or do you know someone who could really use a copy of the Manual? Visit me on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ManualForLiving and post a message or send me a private message about why you think I should send you or someone you care about a copy of the book!
In case you missed my interviews this last week, I had a fantastic interview with Rob Kingsberry on his Total Health program on 1510AM Talk Radio in Kansas City, MO. You can listen to the interview here: – http://www.sethchernoff.com/media-archive/total-health-interview-with-rob-kingsbury-1510am-kansas-city-mo/
The Manual For Living is a fantastic employee holiday gift, or a unique and thoughtful present for friends and family for the holidays, to celebrate the New Year, or just to say “You Are Loved!” Holiday bulk ordering discounts are now available while inventory lasts: http://www.sethchernoff.com/the-manual-for-living/bulk-order-and-save/
Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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