Integrating Gratitude to your Quest for True Happiness
Sometimes we have to extend our gratitude not only for the amazing and spectacular in our life, but also for all of the challenges and obstacles that we have overcome throughout our life. We are truly the sum total of all of our experiences, and our gratitude allows us to change our perspective, to focus on happiness and fulfillment, no matter what challenges we face. This short video walks you through how to integrate gratitude into every waking moment – toward your ongoing quest for true happiness and fulfillment.
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You can read the full video transcript below. Until next time, many blessings!
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Seth David Chernoff
Author, Manual For Living – REALITY
Author, Manual For Living – CONNECTION
Integrating Gratitude to your Quest for True Happiness – VIDEO TRANSCRIPT
Hi, this is Seth David Chernoff, award-winningauthorof the Manual for Living. Welcome back!
Today, I want to talk to you about gratitude. Gratitude, such a simple concept yet incredibly challenging to fully apply. And yet it’s one of the things that stands between where we are and where we really want to be. You see, if true happiness is one of our goals and objectives in this life, we have to be able to master gratitude. Again, it’s a simple concept but applying it to our life in every way is incredibly challenging. Let me tell you why.
So most of you know that I’ve had my share of illness, I’m a two-time cancer survivor, and I rarely talk about my experience through cancer. But what I love to talk about are the things that have come from my experience with cancer. Now, facing death has the ability to give you a perspective on life that many people don’t have. You know, some of us go through life thinking there’s always going to be a tomorrow. But when you face traumatic illness, you realize that tomorrow may never come. And so you have a profound sense of gratitude for this moment, for this day, for what life is giving you.
You see, my day begins with my expression of gratitude, and it ends with my expression of gratitude.And it isn’t just for all the good things in my life, although I tend to focus there. I’m also grateful for the challenges, and the obstacles, and everything that has presented itself to allow me to become the fullness of myself. You see, our life isn’t just colored by the good things, its colored by everything. And I imagine if you look back over the course of your life, you would see many areas where you faced tremendous adversity and you’ve overcome it, where you faced challenges and you moved through it. Well, we have to be grateful for that as well. We can’t just be grateful for the good things.
Kind of like raising children. It’s not always easy, sometimes its incredibly challenging. But it’s true that’s challenge, that we find new perspective and new ways of seeing our children, new ways of loving our children. You see, gratitude is a way that we can change our perspective no matter what’s going on. If you’re like me there’re always challenges, there’re always obstacles that we face. But those obstacles if we see them in the right perspective, they can help us find happiness in a new and amazing way. So, I invite you to find a way to be grateful in every waking moment, in every moment before you.
It’s not easy, in fact it’s not even realistic to be grateful in every moment. But if you aspire to that, what you realize, is that you’re going to find that profound sense of gratitude for the people in your life, for the experiences you’ve face, and even the challenges and obstacles in front of you. And through that perception, through that gratitude, you’re going to find the peaceful state of being as you face the challenges before you. That peaceful state of being will allow you to make better decisions, will allow you to see the good in no matter what you face, and overtime, it will give you a greater perspective on finding true happiness and fulfillment in your life. It’s as simple as saying “Thank you”, it’s as simple as complementing those people around you, and it’s as simple as just saying to yourself all the things you are grateful for as often as you remember.
So, I hope you found this information helpful in your life. I’m going to be doing this video every single week, so you’re welcome to post comments, questions, concerns, and I’ll take them into account as I move through the series. I hope you have an amazing week and until next time…many blessings!
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