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Is Christianity Dead? What Happened to Morals, Values, and Faith

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment

Today’s blog was actually meant to be an enlightenment quiz, but instead of providing the quiz in this post, I have decided to showcase an example of the ABSENCE of enlightenment in our world.

Conservative Christian groups launched the “Freedom Federation” in direct opposition to health care reform. What is the position of their stance you wonder? Declaring that the United States health care system is the “best in the world” and it doesn’t need fixing. In reality, yes they are very close…if only they instead declared that the United States health care system was the MOST EXPENSIVE in the world…but the best in the world?…few things could be further from the truth. There is the simple fact that their premise is incorrect, as the US is actually ranked 37th in the world by the World Health Organization behind Morocco, Costa Rica, and even Dominica (REALLY! Dominica is ranking higher than we are…they don’t even have a stop-light on the entire island?)

Of course the magnificence and beauty of the United States is that we have the freedom to choose, to live, and to believe whatever we like. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not against Christianity, but I do believe that this is evidence perhaps that Christian Groups have lost their way. I understand that part of the premise of this newly founded Freedom Federation organization is to regulate / legislate their position against abortion, but their concern is entirely unfounded as Obama has been consistent in his message that “nothing will alter the ban on using taxpayer money for abortions”. The staunch opposition of Christian conservatives to health care reform is cutting off the nose to spite the face.

Helping Those in Need

Helping Those in Need

My personal beliefs about abortion aside, I respect the position of Christian conservatives, except that the mission and position of the Freedom Federation is in direct opposition to the entire foundation of Christianity. Let us remember that Christianity was founded by peasants led by the Jewish prophet Jesus of Nazareth. The Christian faith has provisions for identifying with the thirsty, hungry, naked, sick and oppressed. Christ fed the hungry, confronted the sad, and healed the sick. Even though the numbers have been decreasing, about 70% of Americans identify themselves as Christian (broken up amongst an estimated 34,000 separate Christian faith groups).

Here is the problem: By current estimates, about 15% of the US population is without health insurance, and 25% of the US population is either without health insurance, or maintains inadequate health insurance (this does not include those who can barely afford the coverage they have, let alone covering any deductible should they get sick). By current estimates, that means that some 75 million Americans lack adequate health insurance or are uninsured altogether. So Christian conservative faith groups…let me understand something…you are OPPOSING health insurance for those who need it the most, because your belief has you concerned that a reform of health insurance would somehow support taxpayer funded abortion?

In many ways, we are not far apart. I think we can all admit that there are some significant flaws with how health care reform is being handled. So, instead of ignorantly proclaiming that our health care system is the best in the world, why don’t we present some common ground where we can agree.

Legitimate reasons to oppose the current health care reform:

  1. Where is the plan? So far we have yet to see consensus on any type of health care reform coming out of the government? There doesn’t appear to be partisan support for ANYTHING! MESSAGE TO GOVERNMENT – Get your act together and actually present a cohesive proposal for fixing our health care crisis! Once you can actually agree on something, get on message and present it to the public in a manner that we can understand.
  2. Let’s face it…we are BROKE. The current US national debt is almost $12 TRILLION ($38,172 per US citizen) and on top of that we maintain private debt of 7,391 TRILLION or $24,053 per citizen. Tack on unfunded liabilities per citizen and we are at $191,864 per US citizen (http://www.usdebtclock.org/) – can we really afford to continue spending?
  3. REGULATE the industry. MESSAGE TO GOVERNMENT – do your job! Between 2001 and 2007, health insurance premiums rose 78%! Combine this with the fact that many Americans cannot qualify for health insurance, let alone afford it, AND many more lose their coverage the moment they are diagnosed with a medical condition. The average family premium is projected to rise to over $22,000 annually in the next decade—and each year, nearly a million people face bankruptcy because of medical expenses. (http://pol.moveon.org/truth/lies.html)

Concerned about the public option, about competition within the private health care system? Lets remember that we are talking about human life, human suffering. Profiteering at the expense of the lives of our fellow Americans should be illegal. When a corporation becomes increasingly profitable as a result of an increase in sickness in our world, then something has to change.

Health Care Crisis

Health Care Crisis

I would surmise that the heads of these Christian conservative groups, and the leaders of this new Freedom Federation movement have more than adequate health coverage…but what about those who don’t. How can you attempt to “protect” the unborn fetuses of the world while watching 75 million US citizens, many which identify themselves as Christian (statistically 70% or roughly 14 MILLION of these uninsured or under insured citizens are Christian) suffer and die without proper medical coverage? Can’t you see the problem with your argument? We need to help those in need…and we are being given the greatest opportunity to stand up and give to those who need our leadership and need our help.

Lead, follow or get out of the way!

Ok Christian conservatives, this is your chance to LEAD! There is no need to block progress purely for partisan politics. If your issue is the manner or method in which health care reform is being handled – PROPOSE SOMETHING BETTER! Stop the rumor mill…this isn’t about scaring families, euthanizing our elderly, or government subsidized abortions. We don’t need any more armchair quarterbacks…if you have a proposal, then step up to the plate and put it on the table. Stand by your mission and help provide health care to the 75 million people who need it the most, but propose something that is consistent with your mission and values.

The truth is that we can’t afford not to reform health care. I am not the one to propose how we go about fixing it, but we have to pull together…something has to change.

3 Website Comments

  • Wow! Great article and research! Thanks for sharing.

  • The Federation does not appear to reflect a true Christian attitude. During biblical times similar groups stoned Stephen, one of Jesus’s diciples, and helped Jesus to be crucified.

    This group mania about any one thing wearing blinders to other issues was never in the books under the tutilage of God.


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"We cannot sacrifice our life and soul in one area of our existence in an attempt to redeem ourselves in another." - Chernoff - REALITY