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Just Say NO To Life – Mediocrity is Your Friend?

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment

Isn’t it interesting how we constantly try to make ourselves comfortable in life – choosing mediocrity and complacency over taking risks and facing challenges? Of course, we don’t consciously choose mediocrity most of the time – mediocrity is simply the alternative to choosing our greatness or focusing on our magnificence.

We are CONSTANTLY trying to make ourselves comfortable.

When we are hot, we turn down the thermostat. When we are cold, we turn it up. When we are thirsty we drink, and when we are hungry we eat. We try to find the perfect mattress to sleep on, the most comfortable shoes to wear, and we try to choose people in our life who are comfortable, enjoyable, and easy to be with.

Last weekend I was in San Francisco for a whirlwind 24-hour trip while lecturing at the New Life Expo. I had the pleasure of rollerblading with my dear friend Jeff who lives in the area, traversing through Golden Gate Park for hours, seeing the buffaloes, blooming flowers, beautiful trees, and many people enjoying a beautiful day.

Life Danger – BEWARE!

Eventually we came upon a little Dutch festival and a sign which I have included for you just to the right. The first couple of icons seem pretty self explanatory – basically DON’T HAVE ANY FUN! But, the icons toward the bottom perplexed me. If you can make them out – its a little boggling. No lambs? No jumping over balls? Don’t do squats? Don’t stand on youngchildren? Watch out for bugling squirrels? What the heck?

Last week I talked about playing it safe in life (you can read that post about playing it safe here) – but this week I wanted to go deeper. We are almost guided by society NOT to take action. Don’t DO anything, don’t TOUCH anything, don’t TAKE anything, don’t LEAVE anything, and whatever you do – DON’T TAKE RISKS and DON’T HAVE FUN. Of course, I was wearing my roller blades at the time I encountered this sign, so apparently I wasn’t a very good follower myself…but I never have been one to blindly follow where the outside world tells me to go.

The Creation of EVERYTHING You Desire is ALL About Taking Risks

If you look around – you will see that EVERYTHING around you that has ever been built, invented, created, or discovered was done so at the expense of taking risks, stepping out of what is comfortable. We cannot live a life of greatness if we spend all of our time trying NOT to step into uncomfortable situations, or while trying NOT to do or say something stupid.

Remember, you cannot get to where you want to be if you never let go of where you are. Be willing to let go and step into the unknown – and HAVE FUN! The world welcomes your greatness – your magnificence. TAKE RISKS and enjoy the journey to see what will come of your commitment to following your truth and living your greatness.

Until next time, Many Blessings!


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"Ever popular as tools for inquiry, questions are key in the bite-sized chapters of CONNECTION. Author, speaker, and businessman Seth David Chernoff has discovered, through life\'s traumas, how to reliably connect with inner guidance. With life-altering understandings around forgiveness, gratitude, intimacy, and letting go (among eighteen sections), this spirituality primer is a valuable contribution to the genre. Connection, the second book in the Manual For Living Series, may be the longed-for owner\'s guide. Writes the author, Connection is not a task that can be completed; it is a way of being, a philosophy of living." - ForeWord Reviews

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"There is some form of connection that occurs through observation, but an intimate engagement requires openness and is gauged by our ability to reach deep within our soul in order to connect to another." - Chernoff - CONNECTION