Love and Time Management
As I set up my calendar of events this summer and fall, both for the release of my second book and for quality family time, the issue of time management and prioritizing is everywhere. There is an endless stream of tools out there to help us, but it is not a tool that we need, it is a focus on our priorities, on those aspects of our life that matter the most.
But the question of most importance, right now, is what equals MORE? Does more mean having a “to do” list three columns long that gets accomplished at the expense of truly living and participating in our lives? Even bigger, can we every really “manage” time? And WHAT do we sacrifice at the expense of the choices we make?
Time exists as a function of the experiences we share in every moment throughout the course of our existence. We can label those very experiences however we desire, but it is the joy and love we share in every moment that determines the level of fulfillment and happiness we experience, having no correlation whatsoever to the actual amount of time involved. (Manual For Living: REALITY – A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life – Page 6)
Each day, as we ponder our “to-do” list, it is wise for each of us to add one extra, priceless ingredient to that recipe: Priority or Valuation. At the top of my task sheet I focus on my goals for each day – to feel the love and joy around me – to experience my children and my spouse – to participate fully and to know that my value is far beyond what I do or accomplish, and to be of service.
Facing death myself, as many of you probably have personally or through the loss of a loved one, we are constantly reminded of the limited time we have available to experience and share love and joy in this life. There is only one time to focus our priorities, and there is only one time to be there for those we love the most – and that time is NOW.
As time moves, in our conscious awareness in only one direction – from birth to death, it can feel like a river rushing past us – some days the rapids appearing vibrant, powerful, overwhelming and almost dangerous . But even a roaring river can soothe us, with a meditating sound that can even caress us to sleep. Irrespective of the ways in which we perceive our reality, we have only this moment to live, to love, and to be. Let us embrace this stream of shared life experiences filled with enormous appreciation and awareness. Let us carefully choose where each moment will be spent.
This is the message for today – remember that life is short so choose carefully. Managing our “to-do” list is only part of the journey. We need to follow our truth, and focus on what truly matters. Dive into your life, and embrace the beautiful moments passing by right before your eyes for that is where our oasis blooms, and our heart and soul embrace the magnificence of life.
Until next time, Seth
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Hi Seth:
I cannot agree more with your finding of life being too short not to make good decisions and time management priorities.
It is strange how sometimes it takes losing a loved one before we realize this. I lost my brother last April and my sister this past January. Both my parents preceded them.
After six years of being the family caregiver, I have to start a life of my own. It has been terribly difficult to move forward into something that is so unknown to me, but I know that my life has purpose and meaning and to search for my strengths and focus on my abilities, I will find my true calling in life. And I don’t want to wait for it to be handed to me…because I have been through enough loss to know that that is God’s intention.
I blog about my journey through “the thorn hedge” of my new life at if you would like to learn more.
Blessings to you and do enjoy that family time!