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Making a Difference – Our Real World Impact

by Seth David Chernoff   //   Enlightenment

Sedona AZ Photo ChernoffWe never know the full extent of the difference we make in our world. Sometimes we have an inkling, a minor perception of our impact, but the ripples of our contributions extend far beyond even our greatest comprehension.

The value of our life can only be determined from within ourselves, and not from outside. It’s not defined by our job title, the size of our bank account or stock portfolio, the size of our house, or the number of children beneath our roof. We all know this conceptually but it bears repeating.

The value of our life is determined by the quality of every moment, by our ability to live our truth and find fulfillment by showing up as the fullness of ourselves.

Achieving benchmarks allow us to self-reflect,togain perspective, and often to obtain insight into what is to come. In retrospect, it has been 22 years since I left my childhood home, 14 years since my first cancer diagnosis, and almost 4 years since I published Manual For Living. Our past is not a delimiter of our future, but only a map, a perception, one perspective as to where we have been.

When I published my books, like many authors I was convinced they would be a success. Initially I believed that success was a reflection of the number of books sold, but quickly realized it was for the difference they would make in my life and the lives of others. After 100,000 sales and downloads, and the feedback and many emails I have received, I do consider it a successbutperhapsnotin the manner you might expect.

I embraced early on that if I were able to change even ONE person’s life for the better, it would all be worthwhile, because through impacting even one soul I would make the world a better place. As I move forward with my life and find myself very busy with new and exciting work, I can forget. I believe we can all use a reminder from time to time of the powerful difference we make in our world.

Yesterday, I received the following email:

Boston Aquarium TurtleHi, my name is CJ.

I am a young man, 27 years old from Philadelphia, Pa.

I wanted to take the time and thank you for taking the time and instilling wisdom and knowledge into my life. Your book “Manual for Living, Reality” has been ablessing in my life. I strive to live by each principle I’ve read and learned in your book.

I’ve struggled in my walk in Christ just to see what God’s plan for my life, direction he wants me to go and be a good example in my children’s life. They look at me at me and see their father and smile which bring so much joy in my life. The courage to say I can make it, greatness is here and Live to see God’s purpose for my life.

Again, thank you.

Have a blessed evening.

CJ, thank you for reaching out – but most importantly for listening and for following your truth. Today, you have impacted my life, and through your note to me and my post here, you will have impacted many others.

Many blessings to you all,

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"Children learn more from who we are than by what we say or
attempt to teach or preach." - Chernoff - CONNECTION