Sasquatch Lives, a Life of Mysterious Awakenings
On a recent trip to Ketchikan, Alaska, my attention was drawn to the following sign. Clearly I am not an award-winning photographer, and even less so on a bus driving 40MPH. Make of it what you like, but it was actually a Sasquatch crossing sign. Clearly the Alaska DOT (department of transportation) affixed the sign in order to warn residents and visitors of the potential peril of the effervescent Sasquatch, who run rampant and unchecked in the Alaskan tundra. Obviously they have had problems with drivers becoming distracted or endangered when the Alaskan Sasquatch crosses the road, casuing drivers to become temporarily impaired . Who knew that the Sasquatch posed such a threat to innocent passers by?
Perhaps it’s a warning sign of the unknown, of our conceptual reality coming true. We search the planet for this mysterious Sasquatch, with little to show for our quest, yet we know it’s not the end result that matters in the slightest. It is the quest to find something unique, rare, to make a name for ourselves, or to use an outside event as an attempt to find meaning in our life. Either way, that Sasquatch in many ways represents the unknown in our life, the answers we seek but cannot find. We spend our lives looking for something we are adamant exists – clearly focusing on something outside of ourselves at the sacrifice of what matters from within.
The Sasquatch in this regard is a representation of all that we hold dear within our minds, yet cannot find or locate.
We are all looking for something that cannot be found. We want answers to questions that cannot be provided, that can only be discovered. The reality of our existence is a function of the meaning we obtain in any given moment, a function of the direction we choose to head, based on the lives we choose to live. The only real constant is change, physical death, and the fact that we ARE the ones who get to choose. We decide the true magnificence of our existence, or alternatively choose to spend our lives looking for something that doesn’t exist, thereby missing out on the greatest opportunity we have in our lives – the opportunity to find value, meaning and purpose in this moment, and in every present moment.
Embrace your inner Sasquatch, but not to the point that you sacrifice what is most important in this life. Be willing to let go of your attachment to a future that is unreachable or even non-existent, for the potential that exists in every moment to find happiness, to be of service, and to live the life you were destined to live.
Many blessings!
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