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There is No Hierarchy in the Structure of Humankind

by manualforliving   //   Connection, Enlightenment, Spirituality

This may come as a surprise, but there is no hierarchical structure in God’s design or with any of us in service or on our path.

We are ALL here on a moment-by-moment basis, giving, receiving and experiencing what is available to us.

It’s easy to personalize the insecurities, fears, and otherwise outward projections of others, perceiving them to be our own. To feel like we’re on a teetering tower. We try to stay open to the world around us, yet we open ourselves to everyone else’s dysfunction. We attempt to walk as vessels in the mind and image of God, available and of service to those around us. But unfortunately, we often tend to absorb petty strife and confusion, anger and frustration, and instead of focusing on our own path, we end up taking responsibility for everybody else’s.

We tend to lose sight of the fact that not only are we all created equal, we are equal.

We attempt to maintain our focus even throughout periods of bombardment. We will all go through times of tremendous difficulty, intensity, and discord, but we also encounter our own opportunities for growth.

There is a dualistic superiority-inferiority complex in our society where we place judgment on those who are perceived to have or to be less, putting them neatly on the bottom of the pyramid. We look up to celebrities, executives, doctors and athletes while at the same time looking down upon janitors, the mentally or physically disabled, and even our peers and neighbors. What right do we have to judge those around us? What makes us better than anyone else?

Only our perceptions powered by our ego can provide the illusions of being more or less than anyone around us.

Most importantly, we judge our own existence as a comparative relationship, criticizing ourselves for not doing more or being more while at the same time looking down on others—all of which is a function of our own insecurities.

This week, today, what can you do to release any and all comparisons? Even to what you think you could or should be accomplishing? What can you do right this moment to release ego, fear and the illusion of being more OR less, to be in a place of complete acceptance of yourself and everyone around you?

In any moment, we can change our position or our reflection of reality; all it takes is a choice, the right thought in the present moment, to alter our patterns and allow us to find the peace we require within.

Seth David Chernoff

This blog is excerpted from my new book Manual For Living: CONNECTION. You may pre-order a copy of the book at http://www.sethchernoff.com/pre-order-connection. All of those who pre-order this book are alsoinvited to an exclusive teleseminar, ONLY for those who pre-order CONNECTION. The teleseminar will take place in mid-September – details will follow via email for those who have pre-ordered.

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"By choosing not to see what stands before us, we choose ignorance over evolution." - Chernoff - CONNECTION