Over 110,000 copies of the Manual For Living Sold and Downloaded Around the Globe!


Appreciation, New Book, and Open to Support

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Personal Note from Seth David Chernoff

It is remarkable to reflect on the events of the last year since the first book in the Manual For Living series was published. When I finished the manuscript, it took me being diagnosed with cancer a second time and literally five years (that’s not a typo) to muster the courage to share it with the world. It was finally a dear friend of mine who said to me: “As long as the book is here, it can’t be out in the world fulfilling its purpose” and thus began the release of the Manual. Perhaps I was more afraid of success than I was of failure, but it took tremendous courage to send it out into the world. However, the feedback I received was confirmation that everything was in alignment and the work was released at exactly the right time.

It has been just over 12 months since the first book in the series (REALITY) was published, and as we get ready to launch book two (CONNECTION) in about 10 weeks, I was reflecting back on all of the serendipitous events that brought us to this place. Over 110 radio interviews, a handful of book signings, many guest articles and countless connections with my beautiful readers. I officially hit 30,000 sales & downloads in over six countries.

As you probably know, one doesn’t become an author for the financial rewards but for the emotional and spiritual ones. It is the lives impacted that give me the strength to continue working even when I “should” be sleeping or doing something else deemed “productive.”

I want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to those of you who have purchased / downloaded the first book, and to those who shared its wisdom with the world. Thank you to those who connected with me and to those who have helped me so much along the way (you know who you are).

Book two officially launches September 21st, and as I begin filling up my schedule with events and media interviews, I am again giddy with excitement at the potential impact this second book will have. Here is your SNEAK PEAK into CONNECTION, from the section on Gratitude.

We search outside ourselves for the fulfillment that can only be found within ourselves. And inevitably we choose hard work in lieu of fulfilling work, long hours instead of deep connection, and subsistence instead of happiness. As a culture, we have much to be grateful for, and although as a society we are more prosperous than the majority of the global population, we are never short of complaint. Most of us have more than enough money to live joyful lives and provide for our families. But rather than choosing simplicity, we choose physical over spiritual abundance, a larger mortgage over our emotional wellbeing. We make decisions that force us to perpetually sacrifice. As a result, we not only provide less of ourselves to our loved ones, we become less as a result.

There is a distinction between incessant desire and living an abundant life. Desires control our existence; abundance is a side effect of a life well lived.

(Manual For Living: CONNECTION, A User’s Guide to the Meaning of Life)

…Now I NEED YOUR HELP! If you would like to get involved, I would love your help. If you are interested in helping to organize an event in your city, please let me know. Tasks may include helping to locate a venue, spreading the word in your area, etc. If interested, please send an email to events@sethchernoff.com.
Thank you and many blessings,


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"Seth Chernoff has written a wonderful, thoughtful and compassionate book. It goes to the heart of what it is to be human. He speaks from deep personal experience. We highly recommend Manual For Living: REALITY … Drink from its wisdom!" - Ed & Deb Shapiro, authors BE THE CHANGE – How Meditation Can Transform You and the World

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"Blame is a poor excuse for not consciously choosing to live our magnificence." - Chernoff - CONNECTION