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Guidebook Lesson 11 – Today, I will listen and learn from illness

(page 43)

“In illness as in life, through adversity we become stronger. As we overcome challenges, we evolve. What is the lesson? The universe often creates distraction and impact exactly where necessary in order to affect change in a specific manner.”

Post any questions or comments below, and contact me anytime Seth@SethChernoff.com.
Many blessings!


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"Seth Chernoff has written a wonderful, thoughtful and compassionate book. It goes to the heart of what it is to be human. He speaks from deep personal experience. We highly recommend Manual For Living: REALITY … Drink from its wisdom!" - Ed & Deb Shapiro, authors BE THE CHANGE – How Meditation Can Transform You and the World

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"At times, it is those without who go within that exude the great strength of personality and will, and it is those who seek and obtain who struggle most with balance and understanding." - Chernoff - REALITY