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Guidebook Lesson 12 – Today, I will confront myself

(page 46)

“Physical cancer is not what is most problematic for us as a society—it is when we are affected by a cancer of the soul, when our life-path and purpose is threatened and we struggle to maintain control over our life. Cancer of the soul is the result of the complacency we experience in any given moment.”

Post any questions or comments below, and contact me anytime Seth@SethChernoff.com.
Many blessings!


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"It is an inspirational and thought provoking book. It is exceptionally written, easy to follow and practical for anyone searching for their way in life. The Manual For Living Series is a must have for every(one) who wants to grow in their faith, character, and relationship to God." - TCM Reviews

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, February 22

"What are we afraid of ? Why are we unable to move into the future? Are we afraid to change? Are we unwilling to let go of the illusion of the security and safety of the moment?" - Chernoff - CONNECTION