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Guidebook Lesson 19 – Today, I choose to be in a positive environment

(page 69)

“In order to foster success as a human being, we must create an environment for ourselves that is conducive to the changes we seek.We must foster a space of support, caring, understanding, and respect not only for the people with whom we interact, but also for the physical environment, including our neighborhood, home, car, bed, and even our fixtures and furnishings. Our world outside is a direct reflection of our world within.”

Post any questions or comments below, and contact me anytime Seth@SethChernoff.com.
Many blessings!


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"The messages from you on time and the present moment were so powerful and uplifting that the core encryption remained with me all day. I wrote down the affirmation, I consciously choose greatness in every moment and was able to complete work with a new-found Joy and a deep feeling of Expansion. It is the Purity of Intention in your Writing that I am resonating with and I Recognize the Gift you are Offering to Humanity at this crucial Time in our Evolution. Thank You, dear Seth!" - Lilly W.

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"Connection is more than conversation. It requires true engagement, asking the appropriate questions, inquiring from our soul to truly understand the nature of another." - Chernoff - CONNECTION