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Guidebook Lesson 2 – Today, there is time enough to do what matters

(page 17)

“We tread through our lives believing that we never have enough, where we are is not where we should be, and who we are is not good enough. We are taught that society awards perfection, and those of us who merely scrape by are less valuable or less important than those who excel.”

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Many blessings!

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"If everyone on this planet could have only one book, the Manual for Living would be my recommendation. Author, Seth David Chernoff carefully, concisely and accurately takes his reader on a step- by- step approach to the “art” of living. ...filled with dynamic insight and practical recommendations on how to change our lives for the better. Highly recommended!" - Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"All of the answers we seek are held deep within our soul, simply waiting for us to reach for them." - Chernoff - CONNECTION