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Guidebook Lesson 5 – Today, I choose to work smart and go with the flow

(page 26)

“Hard work, in and of itself, will bring us no closer to our goal than mere focused thought, but focused and intentional effort will bring us everything we require. Our excess exertion often prevents us from seeing the truth and from seeing the possibility that we might be headed in the wrong direction.”

Post any questions or comments below, and contact me anytime Seth@SethChernoff.com.
Many blessings!


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"Thank you for sending me your book and all I can say is WOW as well! I can hardly put it down... Simplistic, thought provoking, profound and inspired are just a few of the words that come to mind. I KNOW this will be one of my manuals for living that I will wear out! Thank you and abundant blessings to you!" - Melissa M.

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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26

"We forget that life is so quickly over and that living in the moment does not allow time for regret." - Chernoff - CONNECTION