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About Manual For Living: CONNECTION

CONNECTION is the second book in the award-winning Manual For Living series (NEW)!

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CONNECTION is a thought-provoking, soulful inquiry. Award-winning author and two-time cancer survivor Seth David Chernoff guides us through a series of questions, asking why we think what we think and do what we do – in relationship to our own life, others in our immediate environment, and humanity at large. Written in easy to understand language with contemporary, practical examples, Connection shows us that our life is much grander than our circumstances; it is a gift filled with choices.

Connection is for anyone seeking out higher purpose and deeply satisfying relationships.


CONNECTION Chapters Include:  1. Connection    2. Communicate    3.  Disagreement    4.  Judgment    5. Letting Go    6. Forgiveness    7. Acceptance    8.  Gratitude    9. Attitude   10. Mind Power    11. Character    12. Heart    13. Friendships   14. Intimacy    15. Children
16.  Family & Parenting     17. Truth    18. Responsibility

Listen to a Radio Interview with Barbara Joye and Believe In The Moment Radio discussing CONNECTION (Length: 17 Minutes)  

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Now is the time to change your life – order Manual For Living: CONNECTION at Amazon.com.

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"After receiving this book I dove right in and began...in the beginning it all felt a little dorky, writing down goals and listening a video of someone I knew nothing about. And I would find myself too caught up in other things to do a daily exercise, a mantra and a meditation. After missing a day or two, I would simply start right where I had left off. In about three weeks I noticed how I actually found myself curious and looking forward to what was next. And by then I had also noticed I liked the way I was \"processing\" or thinking and feeling about things through my day as a direct result. I went back and did another Inventory as well as rewrote or expanded my goals. Watching a daily video online, writing in this programmed guidebook and also adding in the daily meditations...all just flow through me so easily now. I am happy to say, it is working for me ……. and I\'m very glad I stumbled across the text and now this Guidebook." - Murshid Library Thing

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, March 25

"Money has the potential to destroy lives, incite war, and distract us from what is most important in life." - Chernoff - REALITY