About Manual For Living: CONNECTION
CONNECTION is the second book in the award-winning Manual For Living series (NEW)!
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CONNECTION is a thought-provoking, soulful inquiry. Award-winning author and two-time cancer survivor Seth David Chernoff guides us through a series of questions, asking why we think what we think and do what we do – in relationship to our own life, others in our immediate environment, and humanity at large. Written in easy to understand language with contemporary, practical examples, Connection shows us that our life is much grander than our circumstances; it is a gift filled with choices.
Connection is for anyone seeking out higher purpose and deeply satisfying relationships.
CONNECTION Chapters Include: 1. Connection 2. Communicate 3. Disagreement 4. Judgment 5. Letting Go 6. Forgiveness 7. Acceptance 8. Gratitude 9. Attitude 10. Mind Power 11. Character 12. Heart 13. Friendships 14. Intimacy 15. Children
16. Family & Parenting 17. Truth 18. Responsibility
Listen to a Radio Interview with Barbara Joye and Believe In The Moment Radio discussing CONNECTION (Length: 17 Minutes)
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