Radio Interview on 1400AM KKZZ with JOHN BAILLIE in California
Fantastic Interview on KKZZ 1400AM California with John Baillie and Seth David Chernoff about the Manual For Living on October 25th, 2011. We discussed the power of responsibility, finding our truth, achieving greatness and so much more. (Length: 30 Minutes)
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"This came all in perfect timing – my Uncle Ernie passed away yesterday morning from cancer. My Uncle Ernie had 2 months to live once he found out. My mom is a 5 year cancer survivor. You’ve lived it, you’ve survived it...I want the entire world to find this. Many, many blessings. I can’t wait to read more." - Mimi -
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Tip of the Day — Wednesday, March 26
"We have been given ALL the gifts and tools needed to obtain all that we require." - Chernoff - CONNECTION